

Apr 24, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys,
So I made the mistake of saving money and buying a refurb phone....out of the box the touchscreen doesn't work well, sometimes it is slow or doesn't even respond to the fact I'm touching it. So, should I waste my time with Verizon trying to get a new phone (and them saying I have to pay a 35 dollar restocking fee) or just buy a new digitizer myself?

Also, I have rooted my phone but can't seem to access the system files, can anyone tell me where to find those? Thanks.
The device should work refrub or not, Have VZW replace it.
The device should work refrub or not, Have VZW replace it.

The store closest to me doesn't have any refurb phones in stock, nor do I see any on the website anymore....Can I have Verizon send a refurb to my store so I don't have to be without a phone for a few days?
Yes, It's better IMHO to call than go into a store.
Yes, It's better IMHO to call than go into a store.

when is it better to call? do you mean i should call them and have them send a new refurb to the store so i can exchange it?

Honestly I would say only 10% of the stores know what they are doing. Plus 99% of the stores do not stock/sell CPO phones.

If you bought it from VZW you can call Telesales and they can give you an exchange for another CPO phone of the same model with no restocking fee.

If you didn't purchase it from VZW you will need to contact where you purchased it from and exchange there.

If you can't exchange with the place of purchase (if not VZW), then VZW can ship you a Certified Like New Replacement, providing it shows as a purchased verizon phone in the vzw system.