Touchscreen Fix Update For OnePlus One Pulled By CyanogenMod


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Oct 6, 2011
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When you run custom roms you know that more often than not when one feature is fixed another feature is broken. Normally it ends up being more like one feature is sacrificed so that another more important feature can live. This can be frustrating though when one very important feature is fixed and another extremely important feature is broken like in the case of CyanogenMod's latest Nightly update for the OnePlus One which was reported to fix the touchscreen issue that plagued OnePlus One devices.

The nightly was quickly pulled after several users experienced severe battery drain after installing. This update wouldn't have affected very many users since it came in the form of a nightly update and not an official over the air update. The battery issue is thought to be related to the new Synaptics multi touch firmware which is apparently draining battery while the phone sleeps. Cyanogen is currently working directly with Synaptics to get the issue resolved. Hopefully they will have a working update for us soon!

via Cyanogen