touch tone entry doesn't work


New Member
Mar 20, 2010
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i've noticed that when an automated phone system, like southwest airlines or a bank, asks me to enter an account number, when i type it in, using the on screen keypad, the phone system does not recognize it. after i try three times, i get sent to an operator.

has anyone else had this problem? is there a setting i haven't found?

help please. thanks,
I've never had or heard of this problem and I have no issues getting automated systems to pickup touch tones. Have you installed any weird apps or modded your phone?
When did it start? Or has it always done it? Does it happen with ALL automated systems? Or just specific ones? If you're in a call, and you pull up the keypad and press buttons, can you hear the tone in the earpiece?
i just tried another one to check. single response (1 for english, 2 for spanish) work fine. but it's the long account numbers that get messed up. this one asked if it was understanding me right. so i typed in 1223456. first it heard 12234556, adding an extra 5. i did it again and it heard 123456, missing the second 2, then, after i did it slowly, it heard 12234456, adding an extra 4. then i ran out of tries.

so is it just that i'm doing it too quickly? no one else has had this problem?
The phone should be able to keep up, but you might be working faster than the computer system on the other side can keep up. I'm mashing away at the keypad on mine as fast as my thumbs will let me go, and it's got no problem keeping up. I suspect it's not the phone, but the computer on the other end.
I have exactly the same problem

I'm second here.

I can't reliably use the touchtone. Even voicemail doesn't really respond. Sometimes I get a couple tones in, but then it gets stuck. I once spend an hour trying to dial to a phone card.

Thinking of the mods, I do have the original screen protection film, but it shouldn't be the issue.

The phone app receives the key presses and shows them on the screen, but it doesn't send the tones. Instead it waits for a random interval and then spits all tones at super-fast speed. The server usually never catches up with it.
Make that 3!

same here, i cant call into my company's conference lines because it often doubles up the touch tones. so 424678 becomes 442244678 or something that wont work. finally i give up and use a different cell phone but i dont want to carry two fones!