I have yet to be able to connect to my home network with my Thrive. After doing some research on the web this seems to be a pretty common problem. The Thrive sees my network and either acts like it connects or it just hangs on the obtaining IP address. If you search Google for my Thrive will not connect to wifi this seems to be the common symptoms and I have tried all the common remedies posted on the web. Turned off and on wifi, restarted router, made sure I,m on the correct frequency 2.4 GHz, tried making it use a static IP, factory reset, ect. ect.
I made sure Mac filtering is off. Had a couple of friends come over and test their laptops and another Thrive. All 3 laptops was able to connect and the second Thrive could not. Both Thrives are Non-Rooted.
Today I spent the better part of the day searching the web and analyzing my connection and what I have found is that it fails TCP. I found this by using the Network Tester app from the market.
So my question is what do I need to do about TCP is this some option on my router or the Trive itself. The only thing that cannot connect to the net in my house is this tablet. It connects easily most other places so I figured may be router but I messed with router all day tried everything and again only thing that doesn't work is the tablet
I have a Netgear Range Max 3700 as the main draw from net then I have a Netgear 3300 set up as an Access point that the Thrive actually connects to. Both broadcast N and G and I made sure that I was on a 2.4 GHz band.
Everything looks like it should work. It hands my Thrive an IP in the correct range it shows I am connected but if I hit browser nothing ever loads.
When I ran the tests it always failed TCP.
I honestly suck at networking and figure it may be how I have my AP set up but I reset both of my routers yesterday and it is still doing the same thing.
I made sure Mac filtering is off. Had a couple of friends come over and test their laptops and another Thrive. All 3 laptops was able to connect and the second Thrive could not. Both Thrives are Non-Rooted.
Today I spent the better part of the day searching the web and analyzing my connection and what I have found is that it fails TCP. I found this by using the Network Tester app from the market.
So my question is what do I need to do about TCP is this some option on my router or the Trive itself. The only thing that cannot connect to the net in my house is this tablet. It connects easily most other places so I figured may be router but I messed with router all day tried everything and again only thing that doesn't work is the tablet
I have a Netgear Range Max 3700 as the main draw from net then I have a Netgear 3300 set up as an Access point that the Thrive actually connects to. Both broadcast N and G and I made sure that I was on a 2.4 GHz band.
Everything looks like it should work. It hands my Thrive an IP in the correct range it shows I am connected but if I hit browser nothing ever loads.
When I ran the tests it always failed TCP.
I honestly suck at networking and figure it may be how I have my AP set up but I reset both of my routers yesterday and it is still doing the same thing.