"To Do" app with more?

Dec 1, 2009
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I have downloaded a few "To Do" apps in the past few days and have been most satisfied with "Astrid". I would love it if there were a To Do app that you could set tasks to a certain day and when that day arrives have something that pops up on the top bar as a constant reminder that you have tasks to complete that day. I guess I could use the Astrid widget but I like the buttons I have on the center (main) screen and would like to leave them there.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!
I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I had downloaded an app called "pure calendar widget" and it ties your calendar and the "atrid" to do list together - which it allows you to sit to particular days and it shows on the calendar if you have specified a due date persay. The only possible downside is that you have to un-install the "atrid" app from the store and download the "astrid" version from the dev website...it has worked well on my phone. Hope this helps...
Note Everything allows you to set reminders that appear on the status bar as a blank note.
Google's calendar has a task/to-do list built in that (when a due date is entered) automatically links/shows on your calendar. There's is an app called gTask that works great with it and includes all the functionalality (due date, notes, lists ect).
I would give it a shot if you already use google calendar.
Yeah, I tried downloading a bunch of note apps and after it was all said and done I found that what worked best for me was Google Calendar + CalWidget. Stuff that I actually have to do I key in with times, etc. Non-pressing stuff I keep in an all-day event called :To-do and just edit it all in the description. CalWidget lets me put the agenda widget on one of my screens to keep me up to date and of course, the calendar sends you reminders.