Titanium backup


New Member
Dec 27, 2010
Reaction score
Ok either Im doing something wrong or Titanium backup is not working. So I did a backup all user apps and system data. Then I installed rubix and liberty(both great roms) I did a restore missing apps + all system data(only the apps that where highlighted green). Then I did a restore missing apps with data. Theres several things not working correctly(imo).

1. I have to manually input all my email accounts.
2. Game apps dont have my scores or progress.
3. Missed call doesnt have my settings, have to manually input them.

Am I doing it wrong or am I expecting too much from Titanium.
Another question is why do these developers add ADW to their roms.
I tried running it on stock Droid X but it would lagg. Im wondering if it'll run any better on either Rubix or Liberty
Please Help

I know its only been some hours since I posted this question but I really need help. Please someone answer. All the help is greatly appretiated.