Several of my apps - ROM Manager and WeatherBug are probably the two most people use, plus Skyscape Medical, Weather Channel, and a couple other ones - cease to use the full screen on LCD densities < 240. They are centered on the top row of pixels with blank black space taking up the rest of the screen.
I imagine the problem doesn't lie within the devs of the buildprop modifiers - in my case, I used JRummy's DX/2 overclock - and rather with how the display is coded in the individual apps. I guess there's not a way to fix this, unless there's some way to detect that most of the screen is out of use and it can all be re-scaled somehow...
I run my X on a LCD density of 190, and those apps take up barely more than half the screen. I love the higher resolution, and I can deal with the smaller screen, it's just annoying. Does anyone else have this issue or have any solutions or ways I can hack the apps?
I imagine the problem doesn't lie within the devs of the buildprop modifiers - in my case, I used JRummy's DX/2 overclock - and rather with how the display is coded in the individual apps. I guess there's not a way to fix this, unless there's some way to detect that most of the screen is out of use and it can all be re-scaled somehow...
I run my X on a LCD density of 190, and those apps take up barely more than half the screen. I love the higher resolution, and I can deal with the smaller screen, it's just annoying. Does anyone else have this issue or have any solutions or ways I can hack the apps?