I got to hold one today!!! A dummy, it's true, but still, I now know what I'll be holding on Friday/Saturday. And folks, it is heavy. In comparison to what cell phones usually weigh. As soon as I picked it up, I thought "Those guys who want to carry it in a pocket, esp. shirt pocket, may want to rethink!" It IS mostly metal and there is nothing light or cheap about it. While I will carry mine with pride, if ever there was a "man's" feel in a phone, this is it!
Oh, yeah, and this was at BB - after I visited 2 Verizon stores who both said "OH NO! We can't let you hold one and we don't have any dummies."
Oh, yeah, and this was at BB - after I visited 2 Verizon stores who both said "OH NO! We can't let you hold one and we don't have any dummies."