[THEME Release] REVOlution EB01/DL30 5Lock 2.18 *largish update*
All credit goes to nitsuj17 over at XDA for the awesome update....
Orig link: {Theme}{Port} REVOlution EB01/DL30 2.15.11 *5 lock mod* - xda-developers
{Theme}{Port} REVOlution EB01/DL30 2.18 *largish update*
this is a port of manup456's amazing revolution theme...check out his website www.digitalstylewars.com
*im not responsible for anything you do to your phone*
credit to:
again HUGE, HUGE CREDIT to the theme's creator manup456
sbrissen for making accurate battery and reboot options work as well as 5 lockscreen mod
(and now batt popup disable)
adrynalyne for gvm for dialer and all his awesome work on our phone
dtatchd for all his theme help
whats themed? deskclock, news/weather widget, google search widget, dialer, frameworks, browser, icons, more *clock is out of status bar by default, flash the clock restore to have it back*
edit 2.18: large update! added regular battery version (by request) changed menu icons to white versions (works better than grey i think) added sbrissen's batt popup disable, fixed pulldown menu image that was accidently grey instead of black, themed some of the new lockscreens, and changed the color of day of the week on the new lockscreens from awful aqua blue to white (matches theme)
edit 2.15 v2.0 added sbrissen's 5 lock mod
edit 2.14: eb01 v1.6 recombined apps and theme together to avoid confusion...clock should now be out by default (sorry it wasnt earlier) and you can restore it with the other zip below...added dhoards long press search fix
edit 2:12-moved to newer mms.apk from adryn's superclean 2.2 as i believe it solves a few text issues (only need to download app pack 1.5, not the theme)
edit 2.10: put eb01 version up! only changes are new pulldown menu (from black aosp...thought it fit better) i divided the them up into two section: framework and apps. probably a voodoo5 issue for me being the zip was too big...so to be safe i split it
edit 2.6.2: cleaned up several icons throughout framework and apps and fixed the gmail issue (not a big deal i had just replaced the wrong system icon)...thats it for now....when i revist my themes for 2nd round of edits after i do a few more, there ll be some major app revisions and some other changes
edit 2.6 added restore status bar clock option..download below
edit 2.5.11: pulled out gmail app for fc issues...musta stuck the wrong edited apk in
***here is a gmail fix just for the moment...flash in cwr http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15331201/dl3...revolution.zip
EB01 V3 Update 2.18.11:
CWR Install
EB01 V3 Accurate Batt: http://www.mediafire.com/?cfua01v1mleb33t
EB01 V3 No Batt mod: http://www.mediafire.com/?jyp6dehcawrmrnc
Restore Clock EB01 (keep colors, and batt pop up off) V2: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?n26d432hh2dccpl
DL30 V1.5: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15331201/dl3...ution_v1.5.zip
restore clock to status bar DL30 (clock was out by default) (flash in recovery)
All credit goes to nitsuj17 over at XDA for the awesome update....
Orig link: {Theme}{Port} REVOlution EB01/DL30 2.15.11 *5 lock mod* - xda-developers

this is a port of manup456's amazing revolution theme...check out his website www.digitalstylewars.com
*im not responsible for anything you do to your phone*
credit to:
again HUGE, HUGE CREDIT to the theme's creator manup456
sbrissen for making accurate battery and reboot options work as well as 5 lockscreen mod

adrynalyne for gvm for dialer and all his awesome work on our phone
dtatchd for all his theme help
whats themed? deskclock, news/weather widget, google search widget, dialer, frameworks, browser, icons, more *clock is out of status bar by default, flash the clock restore to have it back*
edit 2.18: large update! added regular battery version (by request) changed menu icons to white versions (works better than grey i think) added sbrissen's batt popup disable, fixed pulldown menu image that was accidently grey instead of black, themed some of the new lockscreens, and changed the color of day of the week on the new lockscreens from awful aqua blue to white (matches theme)
edit 2.15 v2.0 added sbrissen's 5 lock mod
edit 2.14: eb01 v1.6 recombined apps and theme together to avoid confusion...clock should now be out by default (sorry it wasnt earlier) and you can restore it with the other zip below...added dhoards long press search fix
edit 2:12-moved to newer mms.apk from adryn's superclean 2.2 as i believe it solves a few text issues (only need to download app pack 1.5, not the theme)
edit 2.10: put eb01 version up! only changes are new pulldown menu (from black aosp...thought it fit better) i divided the them up into two section: framework and apps. probably a voodoo5 issue for me being the zip was too big...so to be safe i split it

edit 2.6.2: cleaned up several icons throughout framework and apps and fixed the gmail issue (not a big deal i had just replaced the wrong system icon)...thats it for now....when i revist my themes for 2nd round of edits after i do a few more, there ll be some major app revisions and some other changes

edit 2.6 added restore status bar clock option..download below
edit 2.5.11: pulled out gmail app for fc issues...musta stuck the wrong edited apk in

***here is a gmail fix just for the moment...flash in cwr http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15331201/dl3...revolution.zip
EB01 V3 Update 2.18.11:

CWR Install
EB01 V3 Accurate Batt: http://www.mediafire.com/?cfua01v1mleb33t
EB01 V3 No Batt mod: http://www.mediafire.com/?jyp6dehcawrmrnc
Restore Clock EB01 (keep colors, and batt pop up off) V2: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?n26d432hh2dccpl
DL30 V1.5: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15331201/dl3...ution_v1.5.zip
restore clock to status bar DL30 (clock was out by default) (flash in recovery)
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