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[THEME Release]Nitro Dark Theme v1.0 2/28/11 - EB01, Adryns Super Clean 2.6!!!


Silver Member
[THEME] NitroDark v2.3 (3/6/11)- EB01 Super Clean 2.8 & BClean 2.8 & Blackhole 4.21!!

All credit goes to nitroglycerine33 over at XDA for this awesome theme...

Orig link: Nitro Dark Theme v1.0 2/28/11 - EB01, Adryns Super Clean 2.6!!! - xda-developers

[Theme] NitroDark v2.3 (3/6/11)- EB01 Super Clean 2.8 & Blackhole 4.21!!
**I am not responsible for anything that may occur to your phone**

Version 2.3 changelog:
-Inverted Facebook so that it is now black with white text (updated apk)
-Inverted Twitter so that is it now black with white text (updated apk)
-Themed Launcher pro widgets so that they have some transparency so that it matches the rest of the theme
-Updated black/black market to 2.3.4
-Cleaned up more images!
-Updated Settings for mediadock

Version 2.3 Download: NitroDark v2.3.zip

Customizable zips:
-Change battery back to circle silver accurate battery - Download: NitroDark RoundSilverBattery.zip
-Black/black 2.3.4 market - Download: NitroBlackMarket234.zip
-Original themed launcher pro without themed widgets - Download: NitroLauncherProNonTransparent.zip
-Swap out Dialer for Verizon Voice Mail Dialer: - Download: NitroDark v2.3 - VM.zip

**Version 2.2 - Tested with SC 2.6, 2.7, 2.8
-Created new Google Voice Widgets (Now Transparent)
-Created a black transparent Pandora Widget
-Created a black transparent power control widget
-Updated framework from SC 2.8
-Working on an all black market 2.3.4. You can freeze the market updater if (using Titanium Backup) you do not want it to get updated

NitroDark v2.2 with Google Voice Dialer download: NitroDark v2.2- GV.zip

NitroDark v2.2 with Verizon voice mail dialer download: NitroDark v2.2- VM.zip

**Version 2.1** - Tested with SC 2.5, 2.6, 2.7(you get the idea), Blackhole 4.21, May work with other EB01 Roms. Framework should be compatible now.
-Now tested and works with Blackhole 4.21
-Cleaned up black gmail. I had some issues with images and some black on black text
-added some new themed icons in some of the settings menus
-Cleaned up some images in the notification area

Black/Black market only 2.3.3: NitroBlack Market.zip

Created some new black themed widgets:
-News and Weather (black themed)
-Google Search (black Themed)
-Themed Facebook
-Themed Twitter
-Themed YouTube

-Black Google Talk!!!
-Black Gmail!!!
-Market is now black instead of black/green
-Cleaned up dialer a little bit
-Cleaned up some images and removed some of the black on black items
-cleaned up black title bar when loading
-added new accurate battery (Sbrissen)
-addes new jar files from Sbrissen
-added edify script support for the new version of clockwork as well as the old.
-cleaned up the browser so that the black address bar does not appear when websites are loading
-changed download, volume, browser progress bars to green. (matches the theme better)

*** Version 1.1 fixes:
- I have resolved the issue with the 3g always appearing to look on although it is not.
- Updated using latest SC 2.7 frameworks
- Cleaned up market. It mainly has just a splash of green now and some color but mainly blacked out now

****Added link for my new market theme 3/1/11 - Nitromarket v2 - Flash through Clockwork****


I wanted a dark theme with a little bit of color so I thought I would give it a shot. Let me know if you find any issues with it! I am sorry if I forgot to thank someone!!

- Modified frameworks from Adryn's Super Clean 2.7 (Thanks to everyone, Sbrissen, andryn)

- Dark UI theme based off of images from Super Dark (thatdudebutch) and modded by me.

- 5 Lock Mod, AOSP and Rotary themed (Thanks to Sbrissen)

- Clock options, accurate battery and reboot options (Thanks to Sbrissen)

- Themed Dialer with Google Voice (Thanks to VA, modified by me)

- New power toggles and pulldown elements (Thanks to chopperthedog)

- Reboot options, clock hide in settings, and accurate battery mod (thanks to thatdudebutch and bendbowden, modded by me)

- Black themed Google Voice (nitroglycerine33)

- Modded launcherpro with colored icons in settings (nitroglycerine33)

- Themed black and green market 2.3.3 (Thanks to 00.ante for the neon green color and modded by nitroglycerine33)

- modded themed items in the browser, colored settings menus (nitroglycerine33, icons from manups nextheme framework)

- modded black out contacts app with colored settings menus (nitroglycerine33, icons from manups nextheme framework)

- modded phone.apk for custom colors (nitroglcyerine33)

- app widget picker is included (thanks to boombuler)

- modded usb connected (Thanks to VA for icons)

Download from:

NitroDark v2.1 with Google Voice Dialer download: NitroDark v2.1- GV.zip

NitroDark v2.1 with Verizon Voice Mail dialer download: NitroDark v2.1- VM.zip

NitroDark v1.1 : NitroDark v1.1.zip
NitroDark v1: NitroDark v1.0.zip

If you like my work please feel free to donate to my red bull fund!!!!!http://forum.xda-developers.com/dona....php?u=3247702



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Been rooted with SuperClean 2.5, for a couple days, now. Just did 2.6. I've tried to apply this theme a few times, now, but it's not working. How, exactly, do I make this happen?
I just put mine on my sd card and installed through recovery and it went fine

edit: I came from sc2.5 also, i didn't have any issues. What exactly is yours doing?
How long did it take to install through recovery? My phone's been showing me a black hat over what looks like a yellowish loading circle, for about fifteen minutes, after I selected "Install .zip from SD." I get into recovery mode just fine, with the option from the menu that pops up after holding the power button. As soon as I select anything from the CWM menu with the volume rocker and the home key, it shows me the hat screen... and it never changes. Is it scanning my SD card, or something, or am I doing it wrong?
How long did it take to install through recovery? My phone's been showing me a black hat over what looks like a yellowish loading circle, for about fifteen minutes, after I selected "Install .zip from SD." I get into recovery mode just fine, with the option from the menu that pops up after holding the power button. As soon as I select anything from the CWM menu with the volume rocker and the home key, it shows me the hat screen... and it never changes. Is it scanning my SD card, or something, or am I doing it wrong?
reboot into red recovery manually with vol up+vol dwn+pwr button for 12 sec...then wipe cache partition and install zip from sd card, choose zip from sd card, choose theme zip and yes to install....reboot when done....dont use rom manager
When I do that, it takes me to what I can only assume would be "blue recovery," where there are only four options, one which takes you to, again, I can only assume this is "orange recovery," where, when I follow those directions, it says:

Amend scripting (update-script) is no longer supported. Amend script was depracated by Google in Android 1.5. It was necessary to remove it when upgrading to the CLockworkMod 3.0 GIngerbread based recovery. Please switch to Edify scripting (update-script and update-binary) to create working update zip packages. Installation aborted.