All credit goes to Skillz360 over at XDA.....Enjoy
Original link: [Theme]-Grey Scale-Dj05 - xda-developers
[Theme]-Grey Scale-Dj05
Hey this is a grey take on the Gingerbread theme I personally like dark themes myself, so I figured I would share this with the XDA community any questions or issues please post
* I am not responsible if you brick your device make a backup prior to flashing the theme*
Credit: Retrokid for the original gingerbread port as i've use his TW framework and edited the colors and anyone else I may have forget get @ me and I will give credit where credit is due
Original link: [Theme]-Grey Scale-Dj05 - xda-developers
Hey this is a grey take on the Gingerbread theme I personally like dark themes myself, so I figured I would share this with the XDA community any questions or issues please post
* I am not responsible if you brick your device make a backup prior to flashing the theme*
Credit: Retrokid for the original gingerbread port as i've use his TW framework and edited the colors and anyone else I may have forget get @ me and I will give credit where credit is due
Info: V1:-DJ05
-Themed all signal and data icons in status bar
-Themed TW Framework
-Power Widget
-Themed all signal and data icons in status bar
-Themed TW Framework
-Power Widget