All credit goes to gunnermike over at XDA for this port.....
Orig link: [Theme][Port][Comm ROM] White Chrome v1 May, 1 2011 - xda-developers
[Theme][Port][Comm ROM] White Chrome v1.1 May, 5 2011
This is a port of White Chrome by pepi1234 found here:
[THEME](Update)White Chrome Theme XXJVKv1.1 11042011 AOSP+EXT Powermenu+%Batterie - xda-developers
What is themed:
Phone (in call dialer, my work)
Swype (my work)
Launcher Pro (my work)
Settings (my work)
Custome Boot Animation by "The Android Animator" Jaekar99
You will also notice that the Lock Screen and Dialer are transparent. I finaly learned how to do that thanks to nitsuj17 and thefunkbot.
To do:
whatever else i feel like doing
Im working the icon for launcher pro. That stupid launcher is kicking my butt!! I hope to have it figured out this weekend.
1.1 Change Log:
I finished the in call dialer.
White Chrome Version 1.1
Orig link: [Theme][Port][Comm ROM] White Chrome v1 May, 1 2011 - xda-developers
This is a port of White Chrome by pepi1234 found here:
[THEME](Update)White Chrome Theme XXJVKv1.1 11042011 AOSP+EXT Powermenu+%Batterie - xda-developers
What is themed:
Phone (in call dialer, my work)
Swype (my work)
Launcher Pro (my work)
Settings (my work)
Custome Boot Animation by "The Android Animator" Jaekar99
You will also notice that the Lock Screen and Dialer are transparent. I finaly learned how to do that thanks to nitsuj17 and thefunkbot.
To do:
whatever else i feel like doing
Im working the icon for launcher pro. That stupid launcher is kicking my butt!! I hope to have it figured out this weekend.
1.1 Change Log:
I finished the in call dialer.
White Chrome Version 1.1
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