It has been a bit more than a few weeks since the release of the Verizon Galaxy S5, and still there is no root. This leaves many to wonder if there will ever be root for this device or if root is even possible. Considering that other Galaxy devices on Verizon have been nearly impossible to root after various updates this doesn't seem to be out of the question. I don't mean for this post to be all doom and gloom, but It seems as if Verizon and Samsung have gotten better and better with each phone release at locking down their devices. Each phone has come out and quickly been rooted with the exception of the Note 3 which took several months to get root. With this phone we are dealing with a whole new animal. The Note 3 had an Exynos processor while the Galaxy S5 has a Qualcomm processor which seems to be much harder to crack! We aren't able to use the same methods to find exploits.
The good news is that there is a hand full of developers hard at work on finding an exploit for this device. They have plenty of incentive as the Bounty for the root method has reached nearly $7,000. However one exploit expert that I spoke with said that an exploit capable of rooting the Verizon Galaxy S5 would be worth way more to him then the bounty! He stated that such an exploit would be invaluable as a tool both for research and in forensic products. He then reminded me that we are long past the days of easy root on every Android device. Who knows maybe we will see the root method eventually. Just know that while it feels that we have been left out to dry there are a handful of dedicated developers working on it behind the scenes. Also you can look at the bright side. It is comforting to know that you have a device that is so secure it is nearly impossible to crack!
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