The Hunt for October (MLB)


Rescue Squad
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Rescue Squad
Sep 25, 2010
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Is anyone keeping up with MLB? Being a Virginian, I'm ecstatic to see the Nationals and Orioles already clinch. If there is a Beltway Series, I will be purchasing a ticket, regardless of price. This is one of those "once in a lifetime" moments.

Thus far, we have the Baltimore Orioles, Washington Nationals, Los Angeles Dodgers, Los Angeles Angels, St. Louis Cardinals, and Pittsburgh Pirates, that have clinched. The Angels and Orioles have both clinched home-field advantage. It's still a close race, but the Oakland A's, Kansas City Royals, and San Francisco Giants are all fighting for the 'ole wild card.

I know a lot of people don't watch baseball because it's slow, but we're getting down to the wire, and this postseason is going to be fun! I really hate to say it, but I'm glad we're not seeing the Red Sox or Yankees in another postseason. However, tune in Thursday for Derek Jeter's final game as a Yankee. He may be the most professional athlete in sports.