The Flu!


New Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Anyone got a good cure or an good idea to help get over the flu? :frown:
Raw Honey. Not the stuff that looks like regular honey but is labeled "Raw Honey"

Get the real stuff with the honeycomb in it. Have one kombucha a day as well...
I stick to dayquil/nyquil and mucinex if needed :biggrin:.
flu or cold I drink about 4 a these in the week:View attachment 48170

I'm pretty bad when it comes to recovering though, I take some dayquil or tylonel cold and continue my day as normal as possible. If I take a day or two to really rest up I'd get better alot faster, but nope I got too many things to do.

Liquids and rest my friend. Not familiar with the honey trick, but I heard there are alot of benefits. I'd just do it cause it's yummy:p
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Brick your phone then you will be so angry and distracted that you will forget you are sick!

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flu or cold I drink about 4 a these in the week:View attachment 48170

I'm pretty bad when it comes to recovering though, I take some dayquil or tylonel cold and continue my day as normal as possible. If I take a day or two to really rest up I'd get better alot faster, but nope I got too many things to do.

Liquids and rest my friend. Not familiar with the honey trick, but I heard there are alot of benefits. I'd just do it cause it's yummy:p

Mix in some Vodka and you are golden!
alcohol and stress are two things that weaken the immune system. soo ill say no :biggrin:
Head/chest flu, I take Tylenol and lots of juices like orange and cranberry.
Stomach virus, gatorade and rest until the B.R.A.T. diet will stay down ( bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) .

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Stomach virus, gatorade and rest until the B.R.A.T. diet will stay down ( bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) .

If there was one eternally insignificant thing in this world I would get rid of, it would be that... especially when the kids get it. The worst...
Garlic. A lot of it. If you don't really care for garlic take about a teaspoon of garlic powder, use the spoon to dump it on your tongue back past your taste buds and wash it down with a small glass of milk for insulation and a few tums or rolaids to keep from belching garlic all day. Yes, for medicinal purposes garlic powder (McCormick or the like, not the kind from the dollar store) is almost as good as fresh pressed garlic and actually more concentrated. You'll feel a lot better in just a few hours. I Learned this from my granola hippy ex-wife, one of the two things of value I ever learned from her, the value of various herbal teas for different reasons being the other.
Never heard about garlic once. Interesting...may try it if I get sick again. I just shook off a cold I had for about a month.

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Lots of fluids and rest. Unless you have difficulty sleeping, no Tylenol, Advil, etc. Allow moderate fever to help kill the virus. Only eat if you're hungry, then light meals.

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He hasn't responded in awhile... Hope he's OK :)

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