The DROID name


Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
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Why do some Android phones have the name DROID in them, and other Android phones don't? What is the requirement to be considered a "DROID" phone?

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Verizon has a licensing agreement with LucasArts. They usually tag top tier devices as Droids. But in the end i'm really not sure how they choose a phone for the Droid line.

If ya notice... Most Droids... Are motorola phones... With the exception of one or two...
The other ones just use the Android os...
I think any

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Nemo is right. Most of the high end moto phones on verizon (excluding Devour and Citrus) are DROIDs. Outside of that I don't know what constitutes the name. I'm guessing all Incredibles from HTC will have the name, but some of HTCs higher end android phones (Thunderbolt and ReZound) are not DROIDs. Same goes with Samsung, but they have the Galaxy S line.