Texts randomly deleted??


New Member
Feb 15, 2010
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Hey everyone,

So my situation is the random erasing of all of my text messages for no apparent reason. Ill send a text, lock my phone and then when I check my phone for new texts I'll see that every text on my phone was erased. This has happened multiple times, sometimes deleting just texts, sometimes deleting texts, photos, videos and music as well. It doesn't have a pattern of occurrence either.

I've called Verizon twice and they've given me two routes, neither of which worked. They said 1. Restore to factory defaults and 2. Reprogram using *228. I did both and I still encounter this issue.

I know I'm not alone because I've done my research and many other Droid users are having this same exact issue. I was wondering if anyone has made any progress on this yet. Any solutions yet? I've tried every SMS backup app on the market but none of them combine 1. the ability to restore your texts and 2. automatic backup after every texts (from what I've seen at least).

Any information would be helpful. Thank you!

I haven't had this issue, but the last I heard of it I think they were narrowing it down to Slacker Radio. Do you use Slacker?
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I've heard of that too, but I don't use Slacker and I never have before.
its your jealous girlfriend deleting your messages from your ex while you aren't looking
This has been discussed in many threads and I have yet to see a reason as to why this happens. I know you have your reasons for keeping your text messages, I read them and delete them, but the only thing I can suggest if you really want to keep them all is to use Google Voice and have the notification set for gmail. That way there will also be a copy in your gmail folder and you won't lose them.