Texting Autocomplete Bug in Latest HTC Incredible Update with Verizon


New Member
Nov 21, 2011
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The autocomplete while typing a text message no longer takes the highlighted word as the word you want after hitting the space bar half the time. Try typing "weeken" followed by the space key... and notice that although "weekend" was the highlighted active word it places "weekends" in your text. As another example, type "surgica" followed by the space key. The word "surgical" was the active highlighted word, but it places "surgically" in your text instead. It seems to always pick the word just to the right of the highlighted word now... instead of the highlighted word that should be placed in your text... This only occurs if you have not finished typing the word and try to let the autocomplete finish it for you... Some words still complete correctly, but it seems about 20% of the time now they do not.
This was my first post on here... I didn't realize what a dead forum this was.

Here is how a typical text comes out now with the screwed up autocomplete in the latest update.

"hey, what are you doing this weekends? it was really surprisingly to me you didn't get the part..."

I didn't even have to fake those screwed up autocompletes... "weekend" was highlighted yet "weekends" came out, then "surprising" was highlighted but "surprisingly" came out... Looks like some moron shifted the index by one on which word to grab from the list of possible autocompletes... I guess no one else out there noticed this?
Wow... this is a popular forum! lol. Will not be wasting my time returning here again...
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