Smartphones are at the point now where even mid-tier models are more than powerful enough for the average user and even most droidforums type users. I think that better battery life is a much better goal (and probably more profitable) than who can get to 20 cores first.
Hehe. I completely DISAGREE. More than powerful enough? To say that about technology is considered heresy. They said that in 1995 when we had 16 mb of RAM in computers. They will never stop getting faster, and there will always be tasks or applications that can eventually make good use of all the power. But no, yeah lets just stop here since this guy is happy with his D2, lol.
It's not just a race to a number of cores, it is a never-ending cycle with computer technology. I think what we are seeing right now is a stall in battery tech which is causing people to become angry, and wonder why in 20 years they can't improve battery life in a cell-phone. Eventually we will get our 2-5 days of battery life in a super-powerful phone so we just have to wait it out.