Tether Nexus 7 to Droid Incredible


New Member
Jan 19, 2013
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I would love some thoughts on this. I have been trying to tether my Droid Incredible to my new Nexus 7 for the last 3 days and I'm completely exhausted on ideas. My Incredible is rooted with CM7 and I've use both Wireless Tether and Barnacle. Both are picked up by my laptop, but my Nexus 7 does not recognize either as an available network. My Nexus picks up every other wireless network I've thrown at it, but I'm completely baffled at this point. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

I would love some thoughts on this. I have been trying to tether my Droid Incredible to my new Nexus 7 for the last 3 days and I'm completely exhausted on ideas. My Incredible is rooted with CM7 and I've use both Wireless Tether and Barnacle. Both are picked up by my laptop, but my Nexus 7 does not recognize either as an available network. My Nexus picks up every other wireless network I've thrown at it, but I'm completely baffled at this point. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.


I have now also tested a few other things. With the Incredible tether on, an iPhone is able to connect, but any other Android phones do not recognize the Incredible's network. I'm surely not the first person to have this problem, but I have yet to find any help online. Begins to beg :hail: