I've noticed that after a month my battery life is getting worse and worse. I follow all the basics - low screen brightness, manage my wifi settings, keeps GPS off, know what's running in the background, etc. First month battery was AMAZING, but lately it's bleh. I wondered if I had some rouge app or something, but haven't been able to pin it down. Like many others, I'm getting Android OS as my main battery killer when I look at my stats. My battery is in the "Not great" category, and I wanted to stop it before it hit the "HORRIBLE" spot. I don't mean to step on any toes here, but I did Googling on it. There's a lot to sift through, but it might be worth your time. A few easy suggestions that helped me:
1.) Juice Defender
2.) Restarting your phone. This is a major "duh" but I actually think it has helped.
3.) Download BetterBatteryStats to give you more insight into what's going on so you can do better research and get more specific answers
Usually at this time with minimal use I was in the high 70's with my battery. Right now I'm at 93%, so either that restart or Juice is did something right.
From what I saw there are a few different cases of battery drain out there, and determining which one is yours is sometimes the trick. I know that sometimes seeing everything that pops up can cause a little paralysis, but hopefully those tips will help get you started and/or give you an idea of what to/not to look for when you're scanning some forums. A few days of BetterBatteryStats info can also help you pin down your problem. I know it's super frustrating - I'm coming from a TBolt, so I know bad battery - but in this case you might have to just give it a few days to get more information. Maybe once you can pin it down more with more specifics the forums can offer a little more assistance.
Good luck!