By now we all know that the Bootloader is locked down on the Verizon version of the Galaxy S III. This sucks as it tends to cripple development or at the very least slow it down. Last night Samsung released the Kernel source for our device which doesn't do a whole lot of good being that it is locked. The good news is that Team Epic is already making headway on a workaround! The saving grace comes in the ability to flash custom recoveries. Team Epic has recently ported their Kexec hardboot (a mehtod of booting kernels through recovery without needing to flash them to the device) to the Sprint version of the SGS3. They have now put together a proof of concept of the kexec method for the Verizon version as well. It is actually available via Team Epic's blog right now for you to try out. However at this point it is just a proof of concept and is meant for developers. It adds zero new features. This is exciting news! It just kind of stinks that we have to come up with these workarounds. If it were up to me i would sign a waiver which killed my warranty in lieu of the unlocked bootloader. Who knows maybe that will come one day.
Via TeamEpic Blog