Swiftkey 3 Officially Out of Beta, Celebrates by Going on Sale for $1.99


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Jan 12, 2012
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Swiftkey 3 is now officially out of beta and to celebrate, the popular keyboard is on sale for $1.99. The update brings quite a few cool new features, including a dedicated comma key, smarter punctuation, special character predication, a bigger space bar, new themes, and the ability to correct multiple missed spaces. Check out the video above to see Swiftkey 3 in action. You can grab this awesome aftermarket keyboard on the Play Market here or snap the QR code below.


Source: Engadget
Been using Thumb keyboard for a while, but will try this. I did the beta for a bit, and it was okay.
Still don't understand why anyone would use a keyboard other than Swype. WAY WAY WAY WAY faster and I get no problems with it spelling wrong words.
Still don't understand why anyone would use a keyboard other than Swype. WAY WAY WAY WAY faster and I get no problems with it spelling wrong words.

Agreed. I actually have swiftkey 3 from Amazon's marketplace when it was the free app of the day a while back. I still use swype. Swype can be annoying at times though but it is still the fastest way for me on Android to type...err...swype.
Well I like swiftkey way better than swipe. And its worth 5$ so its at a great price now but I got it for 15cents a couple months ago
I got Swiftkey 3 free today from the Amazon Appstore. Not sure if it's because I previously bought Swiftkey X when it was the FAOTD, but it may be worth checking before you pay $2 on the Play store.
I used swype for a while and didn't really like it.... swiftkey is definitely my favorite and the update just made it a whole lot better...
Thanks for the heads up! Just "swyped" it up from the play store! :p
This proves nothing.....

I try to use swiftkey but I get extremely frustrated because in the middle of typing a word, the word just disappears!!! I have predictions and everything off... If im typing something, it'll end up as just "thing".

Ive done all the "learning" ive tried to use it for more than a week and it never changes. Stock works best for me.
I've always been a Swyper, altho for the past year or so I've been doing my "swyping" on Flex T9. Swype itself (for me) was very glitchy with poor word correction. Flex T9 has been my go-to keyboard. Recently (past month?), Flex T9 has been glitchy, missing letters/words altogether, force closing. At times I've had to restart my phone to get the keyboard working properly. I haven't been sure if it's my phone (DX running a rather outdated version of Miui) or the app itself.

I had the previous version of Swiftkey from Amazon FAOTD and played around with it but was never impressed enough to abandon Flex T9. I downloaded the new version yesterday and I am super impressed! The best feature is the ability to speed type a string of words without hitting space. I didn't like the "type and pick each word" feel of previous versions. I am not an accurate typer (which was why swype/flex T9 were always favorites of mine) but Swiftkey is pretty darn accurate even when I'm not.
I've been using Perfect Keyboard for a little while now, from Swiftkey. It's OK, better than I originally thought. However, predictive text is not immediate; you have to type a letter or two before it predicts where as Swiftkey predicts before you type your next word. I used Slideit on my OG Droid, and loved it, but I guess I missed typing the words, when I got my Gnex.
I got SwiftKey when it was a faotd from amazon. Just trying it today but I'm going to turn off the predictions because it slows me down.
I received the update last night, and I'm pretty happy with the changes they've made to the layout and the prediction engine. The new themes they've added are also pretty nice. I'm not disappointed at all!
trestevenson said:
I received the update last night, and I'm pretty happy with the changes they've made to the layout and the prediction engine. The new themes they've added are also pretty nice. I'm not disappointed at all!

There are a few things that I dont like the.. .!,? Button anyway to change it