Su isn't working


New Member
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
I recently decided to update my rom from the 928droid stock theme. Den jus wanting a change I change to the epic rom, I wasn't to comfortable wit it so I changed to fission 2.4.3, and cyin I dnt really care much for it (idk im jus lik tat) I decided to switch back to 928droid o try out squidlymandingo but I can't bcause koush's bootstrap doesn't want to reboot into recovery, but wen I bootstrap the recovery it takes a while n den says success. But den I found out u can reboot manuelly from terminal emulator and wen I go input su it says access denied and the reboot command doesn't wrk. I tried the remove-the-battery-when-its-booting-up ( and its wrk b4) n it still doesn't send me to recovery so plz can sumin help me out n srry if its a lil hard to understand, its the first I post on any forum so plz any question about wat I've done to the fone will b answered so plz can sumin help mee get into recovery.

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It sounds like you lost root at some point. While not common its not unheard of. I would suggest trying to reroot the phone using your method of choice.

tappin and a talkin
Well I went in the system folder and found su,superuserapk, and buzybox all present

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Well its odd that terminal emulator would be denied su access and bootstrap wouldn't work. Are all of your other root apps working properly?

tappin and a talkin
No im not asked to give the apps su permisiion

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Im not asked for root permission so no the apps dnt wrk

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Ok so it looks like you lost root. Try rerooting with w/e method you prefer.

tappin and a talkin