stuck on bootloader issue

Texas Twitch

New Member
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Alright, I'm going to try and notate everything that has happened.

I loaded my 5th or 6th ROM on Friday Night. Went to SS v4.5. Everything was fine until today, when I couldn't load up my apps screen. turned it off and rebooted, and it has been on the bootloader screen ever since:


Battery OK
OK to program
Transfer Mode: USB

Now, I have been searching on here and trying different things for about 6 1/2-7 hours, to no avail. My USB charging light isn't coming on (either in USB port or with wall charger,) I can't boot into recovery (power+X,) or safe mode (from what i understand is <right>+power,) RSDLite isn't recognizing the phone, and I have completely exhausted the search function on the forum. What is the next step I need to take? At this point it doesn't even matter if I have to go to an unrooted version, or simply a previous version. I just use my phone for work and literally can't afford to be without it.

I have also rebooted about 50-75 times, done about 15 batttery pulls (from 30 seconds to 15 minutes each), and have plugged it into different USB ports on my laptop.

Any ideas guys? I know I haven't posted much before, but all of you have provided so incredibly much help to me just by offering advice to other people. Thanks in advance fellas!

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OK, now ive finally got it to where the charging LED is coming on. no other changes though.
well SS 4.5 is known to have problems, heck it formatted my whole memory card, what i reccomend go to verizon and have them troubleshoot with you and get them to give you another one

or try a hard reset
I've got a new one on the way, but I absolutely have to have contact for work, since I manage an IT company. Can you give me Directions for hard reset?
allright, somehow got it to load up into SPRecovery....Wiped data 4 times and wiped cache 3 times. It SHOULD last until i get my replacement.
bootloader problem?

Texas...did you ever get yours droid is doing the same exact thing!