Stock Rooted Marshmallow 6.0.1 Rom For The Nexus 6


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Oct 6, 2011
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One of the easiest ways to update to the newest Android firmware from whatever firmware you are currently running including custom roms is to flash a stock rooted rom. For years Scott of ScottsRoms has been providing us with some of the best stock roms around. He is most well known for his Clean Rom series which is always based on the stock rom and UI of whatever your phone offers with a few minor added features.

When you are running a custom rom and you have a stock recovery flashed to your phone updating to Google's latest and greatest builds can often be a pain. You normally have to manually flash a stock image, and from there you can update to latest stock firmware. With Scott's stock roms all you have to do is flash the rom in recovery. This works no matter what build or custom firmware you happen to be running.

Scott has most recently released a stock rooted rom for the original Nexus 6. The rom is based on Android 6.0.1 marshmallow and will update you to build mmb29s. There isn't a whole lot going on here with this rom. It is pretty much just a stock rooted rom. It does include a preinstalled busy box. Head to the link below for the download.

via ScottsRoms
Why would you install this ROM when you could just root your Stock device with Marshmallow?