Speech to text


New Member
Nov 11, 2009
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Is anyone aware of a Droid app that allows you to convert speech to text for use in data entry?
That would be really nice to incorporate into text messaging so I wouldnt have to text while driving! ;)
That would be really nice to incorporate into text messaging so I wouldnt have to text while driving! ;)
i agree. but as i found out the hard way, verizon doesn't allow more than 160 characters to other carriers :mad:
Handcent app does it perfectly for text messaging.

I want it for other stuff like emails etc and market searches.
I am using Handcent Sms for speech-to-text for sms messages. Not perfect, but probably better than I can type. Russ
Talk to me Keyboard works great. You can convert speech to text in both txt messages and gmail. Works great with hanscent texting.

It's more accurate if you speak succinctly in a almost robotic voice. Doesn't take any time to figure it out.

This takes the phone to the next level. Way beyond voice searching google, or searching contacts.

if anybody finds a way to play media by voice, lmk.
Good info, this is what I was looking for!
I'll second the Talk to me Keyboard app - been using it a while and it works very well. If words are really uncommon, it has issues, but generally it works well. Does better with longer words than very short words (opposite of typing!).

I just speak naturally - using inflection, etc. Check out the settings for customizing - new version has a few options that may suit you better.
For texting while driving, Handcent's built in speech-to-text works fine for me. Doesn't always spell names correctly, but phonetically they're fine.

I say "Stacy", it writes "Stacey".
How about a speech to text app that will detect if you are overly angry or stressed or even drunk and then delay any texts or emails until you have cooled off or sobered up and then verify if you still want to send those messages to your boss or ex?
Hey All,

Thanks for the input. I've download and tried both Speech-To-Text and Talk-To-Me software apps. I have to say I like to Talk to Me better. It presents you with four options as to what it thought you said. It seems to understand what I'm saying about 95% of the time. Which is significantly better then I can type on the small key boards.
Hey All,

Thanks for the input. I've download and tried both Speech-To-Text and Talk-To-Me software apps. I have to say I like to Talk to Me better. It presents you with four options as to what it thought you said. It seems to understand what I'm saying about 95% of the time. Which is significantly better then I can type on the small key boards.
Thanks for the app suggestions for speech to text. I will take a look at the 2 that were mentioned.
Why are the reviews not so great on both these apps. You guys should post reviews on there :). Average Joe like me might stay away from them thinking only 3 stars, but then i find this awesome site lol. Trying the free one first....

Ok maybe im not understanding here. I read this FaQ http://www.handcent.com/Faq.php#TAG_SPEEKSMS and i installed Handcent SMS and TTS Library. All i can get it to do is read my text messages to me. How do i get it to translate my voice to text??

Thanks in advance
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I downloaded the .99 Talktome keyboard. I was very happy with the quality. The one item it (or the SMS app) did was remove the display of the suggested words that you are typing. For someone that is a S-L-O-W typer, i liked that feature. However, back to the speech to text, TalkToMe Keyboard for .99 has been great.