Some help please


New Member
Mar 21, 2011
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I have a droid two and when I go to play music a picture pops up next to the list of details of the song and its a pic that was deleted awhile ago and it needs to not be seen lol so I was wondering if there's a way to get it off of there I know if I tap it it goes to the funky screen savor thing but if I click it again it shows that pic.....thanks

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Ha mine does same thing, but its a pic of my girlfriends umm u know. I dont plan on changing it ;) sorry

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums App
Lol its of my girl too but other people tend to use my phone so it need to go lol I'm jus lost

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Its only on the ones from messaging though:/

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
Ya I ran across this too, haha its like defulted for the ablums art lol anyone?

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Have you tried clearing cache in the music app?

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Ya the only one that has a saved message picture is a recording I made guess its not much of a problem I just hate the fact there isn't an edit button or and easy way to change titles of files

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums App
Does it give you any options when you long press it?

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No long hold options that are useful besides delete maybe there's an app out there ill have to seach tomorrow

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