SMS truncated at 160 chars to non VZW users


New Member
Nov 12, 2009
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The Droid doesn't have any issues letting me send an sms message that is over 160 characters. Unfortunately, if the sms is to a non Verizon user, an automated text comes back saying that the message will be truncated at 160 characters and the rest is lost.

So my question is:

Is there a way to fix or get past this? It's incredibly frustrating/annoying to send a message then have to go back and resend part of it.

Shouldn't the phone know or be able to split the message in pieces in order to send it?

The Droid doesn't have any issues letting me send an sms message that is over 160 characters. Unfortunately, if the sms is to a non Verizon user, an automated text comes back saying that the message will be truncated at 160 characters and the rest is lost.

So my question is:

Is there a way to fix or get past this? It's incredibly frustrating/annoying to send a message then have to go back and resend part of it.

Shouldn't the phone know or be able to split the message in pieces in order to send it?


Good question....I noticed the same behavior on my old ENV; I had a friend who is not VZN who would text me and their carrier would behave the way you'd hope -- if it was > 160 characters, it would split it and you'd get multiple parts. I wondered why mine wouldn't do the same.

That said, I don't know what your texting plan is like, but I'm using GV SMS for non VZN folks and the unlimited m2m for VZN ppl. I've had it confirmed that SMS through GV will, in fact, split up the message.

I've noticed that when I text on my droid, as I near the 160 character mark, a little number is displayed to let me know where I'm at as far as my total characters go. It will let you go over the 160 characters, so you have to keep an eye out for the #'s.

edit. It actually does a little count down when you get to the final 10 characters. At least that's what my phone does.
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i dont get why this is an issue. i paid for unlimited text to any one so why the hell they cant get a whole text? maddness hell my G1 and t mo did this for cheaper
Verizon's fault, not the phone's. Extremely lame especially for the people who pay to have unlimited text.
Verizon's fault, not the phone's. Extremely lame especially for the people who pay to have unlimited text.

Actually its not verizons fault. I most carriers are like that but I could. Be wrong, sms are for small messages and mms could be up to a 1000 characters
According to the Android Developers Reference, a large sms is sent using a function that splits the message into segments if it's larger than 160 chars. Unfortunately, this function isn't supported in the context being discussed. However, if the function is substituted with the standard sms send function, it's possible to loop through the message parts and send them as individual messages.

I am by no means an Android Developer but I threw together an app based on this idea and some code I found online. I was able to send a large message and have it split up automatically into segments.

Any Android devs out there? If so, any interest in integrating this concept into an sms replacement app?
Contact the Handcent sms developers, I'd love to have this and I'm sure others would also.
When I send long messages to my friend's iPhone, I get a message that "message has been converted to mms. Chargers will apply"...I have unlimited text and mms, so I will see at the end of the billing cycle. He gets the message as an mms...
I'm using a free app called past160. it will automatically split up my very long texts and delivery them in order to non smart phones etc. But really the cool thing is when i 'handshake' with other android users. I can send/receive a single long text! they say over 2000 characters... not sure if i've typed that much, but definitely way over 160.

oh - and i can send a command to delete the conversation off my friend's phone! super cool!!!!!