SMS / MMS questions


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Good day!

I have 2 questions about SMS / MMS

Keep in mind, I've tried Handcent SMS and I'm not a fan of it just because of personal preference. So hopefully there are other solutions?

1) Is there another keypad with TXT9 word capabilities? I'm looking for one similar to the keypad I had on my old Omnia. Not the full blown keyboard, but a keypad (1-9) that I could use only in Portrait mode.

2) I want to be able to forward MMS messages that I receive to Groups. Is there an app that does a) groups and b) allows forwarding mms (with multiple pics) ??? I've tried "Group SMS" and it's nice for Groups, but does not allow for forwarding of MMS messages with multiple pics, etc...

Thanks for any insight!!!!

Anyone???? thanks again!
I think I came across an app called "even better keyboard" that has t9 and seems to have pretty good ratings.

Dunno about the second question though sorry.
Thanks for the help on that! "Even Better Keyboard" is perfect for me. Not supposed to text and drive, but when I want to respond easily with a "Yes" or "No" this is much easier than the full keyboard in portrait view.... Just wish it was free. :-O

Still looking for a solution to forwarding MMS to groups though -- any others have insight???