slow wifi fix that works for me


New Member
Aug 11, 2010
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Hey guys I just signed up to help some of you with the slow wifi on the droid x.

I too have all the same problems and figured iwould post what works for me.On my droid it always conected fine and it would bench 15000 download on speed net but the thing would stall and crawl loading up web pages and basically 3g ran way faster than my home network.I tried everything and finally got it working right.

didnt touch any router settings either.

go into the stupid dlna app and basically shut everything off,dont share anything and uncheck the box that says keep wifi locked (kills bat ect.)

as soon as I did that my cell is flying on my network,no hang ups no pauses no conection errors,it runs like my old droid 1

peace out,signed up just to let you guys know
Thanks, ill keep this handy if my droid comes and starts acting up
go into the stupid dlna app and basically shut everything off,dont share anything and uncheck the box that says keep wifi locked (kills bat ect.)
Pardon my appalling ignorance, but what is the dlna app and how do I get to it?

Apologies -- I see you're on an X and I'm on the original Droid, the app you mention doesn't seem to be available for it. Oh well.