Slight Dilemna

some noob said

New Member
Nov 22, 2010
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I accidentally replaced my App Drawer shortcut on the Dockbar with another shortcut. How do I get the App Drawer shortcut back?

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read the UD 2.1 -D1 only thread. Start at the end and go backwards... Welcome to the (omg my home icon is gone club!)
I did the same before I went back to L/P - longpress on the homescreen and select "custom shortcut/pick your activity/launcher action/open close app drawer - when that icon shows on your homescreen longpress it and drag it to the dock
read the UD 2.1 -D1 only thread. Start at the end and go backwards... Welcome to the (omg my home icon is gone club!)

I'm part of this
I did the same before I went back to L/P - longpress on the homescreen and select "custom shortcut/pick your activity/launcher action/open close app drawer - when that icon shows on your homescreen longpress it and drag it to the dock
Sounds familiar.:)