I think there might be a problem with these skins for the Inc2 running stock Gingerbread. As mentioned, 'ghosting' occurs in the notification bar at times, which is not a big deal.
However, what is a big deal is that they appear to be causing problems with the core system, causing acore and gapps (framework) errors/FCs. When the acore error crops up, the phone app won't open from the main phone "icon" on the home screen. I think you can voice dial still, but obviously that's a big deal. Rebooting changes nothing. The only solution that fixes it 100% of the time is a full factory reset.
I'm not 100% sure on this yet, but it's looking more and more like they're the culprit. acore errors are typically due to a 3rd party app messing with the core system/framework, and these skins fit that profile perfectly, especially on a stock phone. That, combined with the fact that these were ports and appear a bit buggy anyway...
I haven't tried all of them obviously, but I've used Safari HD, Black Expresso, BlackNBold, and Xperiansed Arc.