Send Secure Text Messages With SMS Encryption


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Oct 6, 2011
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The BlackBerry was the king of the Corporate world for many years. The reason being is that they were the top dog when it came to security. Pretty much any phone in the medical field for a while needed to be a BlackBerry strictly because transmissions were encrypted and secure. If you are a business person who sends and receives messages that need to be private and secure there is now an app that will help you with this.

SMS Encryption is an app that will encrypt your sent and received messages. The app uses the algorithm AES to encrypt. Features include friendly interface, the app uses government standard encryption, private messages are secured by a secret key, you can use different keys for different messages, allows you to create private chat in real time, text of secure sms is always encrypted even while sending, and more. Head to the Play Store link below for the download.

via Play Store