SEGA is here


Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
South Florida
Hello everyone, glad to be here.

Just got out of surgery about two hours ago, was going to join before hand but was kind of stressed out...

Anyhoo.. I've been with Verizon sense May of last year, signed up with the LG Dare, thought it was a great phone, but then found out quickly that it lacked the support I was looking for. Funny thing is, I was with T-Mobile for 11 years, (in the beginning they were Voicestream) and I was looking for a multimedia phone like the iPhone, but hated AT&T, and the week I left T-Mobile they came out with the Google phone, so I spent some weeks kicking myself in the @$$..

I'm very interested in the Droid, it's the phone I wanted when I first joined Verizon thinking the Dare was it.

I called Verizon and I don't have an option to upgrade until May, which sucks, because I don't have that kinda money to buy it out right..
If anyone knows a way to get the phone for an existing contract holder until May, it would be greatly appreciated..

Looking forward to the Droid, and a New home for it here.

Thanks for reading :icon_ lala:

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Welcome to the forum :) Just remember the longer you wait, the better phone you'll end up with!
If you have had your phone for over a year, and are on a price plan over 39.99 a month, you are eligible to upgrade at a 2 year contract priced(199 with mail in rebate). If you voice plan isn't this high, change it to a higher plan, call back in a month and upgrade.
If you have had your phone for over a year, and are on a price plan over 39.99 a month, you are eligible to upgrade at a 2 year contract priced(199 with mail in rebate). If you voice plan isn't this high, change it to a higher plan, call back in a month and upgrade.

Not sure I understand.