Sd cards


New Member
Mar 19, 2011
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Anything special I should know about replacing the factory card.

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Nope, be sure to copy content of old sd to pc, format new to FAT32, copy content of old to new, enjoy.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums App
So I hafta format the new card on a computer first? That is something I did not know. I thought I could just pop it in.

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You may or may not have to format it -- the SanDisk card i bought last week came formatted.

You'll still want to copy the information from the old card to the new one, which takes a computer. Unless you havent put anything on the card.
How do I put evrything on the pc? I mean Im rooted and have astro and rom manager. the last time I used astro i lost some pics b4 i could transfer them. Im an idiot at this stuff but I upgraded to a 8gb card today but need to know exactly what to do as far as formatting and transfering everything to pc folder then back to the new card?
To copy your files from your SD card on your phone to your computer you will need to connect your phone with the USB cable to your computer. That will bring up the 'Choose a connection type', and on that screen you will choose 'Disk drive'. That will allow your phone to have a drive designation on your computer (probably something like R drive or something). From there you just use windows explorer to copy files. Hope that helps.
One other thing, you will notice after you choose 'disk drive' and go into windows explorer that two new drives will show up. One drive is your phone and the other drive is your SD card.
Since most computers have a SD card reader but the phones use a micro SD card, I have a micro SD card adapter. You slide the micro SD card into this adapter which looks like a regular SD card so your computer can read it.

If you have one of these adapters that would be the best way to copy the files onto the new micro SD card.

If you don't have an adapter then you should be able to do exactly what you said (unmount old card and put the new one in and copy all the files to it)

Then turn off your phone and restart it.