SD card issues/syncing music


New Member
Mar 12, 2013
Reaction score
Columbus, oh
I have an unrooted Razr Maxx with the final JB update. I decided to upgrade my sd card to 32 gb from the stock 16 gb so I could have more room for music and what not. My problem is, syncing music an having it stay on the sd card. I've sync'd many times trying both Windows Media Player and Motocast. They both will show completed at the end and show the correct amount of free space after syncing, but when I actually try to play the music or find it in the folder after disconnecting from the computer(also using the "safely remove" option), many files are missing. Some, i believe, end up in the Lost.dir folder, while others are still in the folder with altered names and unplayable files. I should note, I am running Windows 7 Ultimate and I have already tried one sd card, with no success, and bought a new one thinking it was a defective card, but same issues with new one. After some research, i have tried to put the cards into "quick removal" mode, but an error box pops up that says "Windows could not change the write-caching setting for this device. Your device might not support this feature or changing the setting." Does anyone have any ideas on what may solve this issue? Thanks