Don: Hi, my name is Don. How may I help you?
Phillip : Don, I have a user who had a Droid RAZR and had encrypted his SD Card. He has since had to have the phone replaced and removed the SD Card prior to returning the defective unit. Now when he inserts the encrypted SD Card into the new phone, it tells him to format it. Is there any way to, by using the same password(s) on the new phone that were used on the old, recover the data on that card. He's sick because it has all the photos he's taken of his baby since getting the phone.
Don: I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, but we can no longer retrieve the files off from the Sd card.
Phillip : So you are saying that the encryption is specific to the ESN of the phone? In other words, unless it is first un-encrypted on the defective phone, the data is lost permanently? If so, this is terribly flawed. What happens if a phone completely fails and is unable to be awakened? You are saying that the data on that card is lost forever and because there's no way to un-encrypt since the phone is dead, that he's out of luck?
Don: Phillip did the cust try to use an sd card reader and access the sd card from a PC?
Phillip : No, but if the card is encrypted, or the files are encrypted themselves, what's the point? Either he'll have one massive file that is an encrypted representation of the entire contents of the card, or he'll have literally hundreds of individual encrypted files and in either case, no way to un-encrypt.
Don: Media files are saved either on the internal phone storage or the SD card, since the sd card is corrupted we cannot retrieve the files any longer, same as with the internal phone storage once it will not awaken.
Phillip : I don't see an encrypted SD Card as "corrupted" in the pure sense of the word, since the only "corruption" is the "encryption" that was performed by the original phone. If I want my data encrypted, and I know my password(s), I should be able to reinsert that card into an identical device, re-enter the password(s), and retrieve the data without incident. If that isn't an option, Motorola should develop an app for Windows which allows us (with proper password entry) to un-encrypt that data and retrieve it for situations just like this one. I understand that the INTERNAL card is gone, but we're talking about a REMOVABLE MicroSD, not an internal one. I find it completely unimaginable to believe that a corporation as massive and trend-setting as Motorola is, would design an encryption system that depends on the initial device which encrypted the REMOVABLE SD Card, to un-encrypt it. This leaves the data subject to complete loss if the initial device fails - and they do fail as I am sure you know.
Don: May I have the phone's serial number?
Phillip : I may be able to get that for you, but it will take some time. Is there a number I can reach you at, or do you wish to communicate via email? phil.******* I assume you want to see the ESN of the original phone, not the new one? If so, that would be obtained from Verizon. I can likely get that as well.
Don: Yes, we do need the original phone's serial number.
Phillip : GREAT! Give me time. Do you have an email address so we can pick this up again?
Don: May I have your contact number?
Phillip : 215-###-####
Don: Thank you.
Don: Phillip, in order to provide you with the best possible support for this type of question, we will need to ask you to call our call center directly. You will not have to repeat any troubleshooting steps that we have just done as I will be saving this entire conversation and all you will have to do is dial 800-734-5870 and say "Technical Support" or press 2. When prompted, please enter your 10 digit cell phone number that you provided me earlier in our chat. You will then be directly routed to one of our Level 2 Technical Support Specialists. Your reference number for this chat is ######-######. Our Level 2 agents are available M-F from 7am-10pm CST and on Sat. & Sun. from 8am-5pm CST.
Phillip : Super. I do appreciate your listing to me and being compassionate about the situation. I am sure if you were in this poor guy's shoes you would be sick and confused as well. I am trying to support him the best I can and hopefully with your assistance and that of level 2, we'll get there. Thanks.
Hopefully, with the L2 support and the ESN, we can get that card un-encrypted. I really think there should "an app for this". I will keep trying in the mean time. :biggrin: