Screen Freezing/Shutting down


New Member
Nov 11, 2011
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I went from the 2 to the Razr today and I like it but have three questions.
1. The screen seems to keep freezing up as I'm trying to set up accounts, etc. Is anyone else seeing this or am I doing something wrong?
2. It seems like when it goes to sleep, it's shutting all the way down(based on the time it takes to come back up).
3. I had the problem with my 2 that messages I sent were not going to the sent folder, still having this trouble. Any suggestions?

Freezing & SentFolder

I installed yesterday without any troubles. I do note that the screen went 'dark' a couple of times as I was reading off my 'records' of what the particular email accounts settings (Server settings etc) were. For me, this was simply the phone going into the energy-saving mode of turning off the screen because I hadn't interacted with the phone lately. I simply depressed the upper right-side power button for a second, making the slide-bar entry unlock/camera option come up on the screen. Swiped the from the lock-icon left side of the screen to thr right side and the phone re-opens right back where I left it.

As far as not finding messages in your sentfolder. I assume you are not talking about a synching, the email can be found in your sentfolder on your computer but not on your Android device. My limited understanding is that Gmail only holds one actual 'placement/record' of any email. So while you may see it in more than one place in your email reader- for example, your inbox and sentfolder, if you deleted this email from say the inbox, I think it also will delete it from the sentfolder. This may also happen if you use the 'threads' mode of storing/sorting your emails. WHen you delete the thread, I think all record of the email is removed (including the sentfolder).

Thanks for the response. It seems that just tapping the power button (like on my 2) won't make it respond, instead I have to hold the button down which is more like a reset.

As for the folders, I'm referring specifically to ones written and sent from the razr, I don't see a copy of those anywhere (including the sent folder).
It's a mystery....
screeing freezing, rebooting on its own, and locking up inadvertantly

I just got my phone yesterday and it has been freezing/locking up, rebooting and will not allow me to add any google accounts.

Is there a way to fix these bugs or will I have to send this phone back. Verizon says phones are on backorder so the chance to get a replacement will be slim or significantly delayed
Have you tried the special reset... You hold the volume button in and depress the power button, and hold there for ~ ten seconds... The phone will shut down. Probably won't help, but can't hurt (its supposed to be like taking your battery out). I don't know how long one has wrt warranty and getting a NEW phone as apposed to a refurbished one. But I would call Verizon up sooner rather than later and get in the Q for a new replacement phone. And tell them that you will ship your phone back AFTER they ship you a replacement.
I did the hard reset. I could not create a new google account, but it would let me sign into an existing account. it still freezes/locks up and as I was typing this post, I thought it was not rebooting on its own, but it did self-reboot before I could finish the post.

Between the phone and accessories, I am out just under $500. Thus, the phone has to work. I don't want anything refurbished - particular a new phone. Because I was interested in all the new features, i went looking for answers for the bugs that I was encountering. I was hoping that I would find a quick fix and all would be well. But it does not look like I am going to find a fix for these issues.
I'm still struggling with mine. It shuts itself down and reboot when I try to do much of anything. I've tried the reboot to no avail. Unfortunately, the guy at the store had never seen one before....

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
I ordered mine on-line and after I activated it, it wouldn't boot. I did the reset and no help. Took it to the Verizon Store and he did something and it's been OK since. So there is something other than a reset that can be done. The salesman didn't know what, one of the Techs did it.

So take it to a store.
Suggest a full Reset


I would suggest a full phone reset. I just posted a lengthy description of the resolution of all of my encountered problems (you might take a look).

So while you might have a hardware problem that you won't be able to fix, it could be a configuration problem that is unlikely to be resolved within the current configuration.

Settings -> Privacy -> Factory Data Reset. This of course wipes everything off the phone.

When the phone was in the process of rebuilding, I decided NOT to go with any form of the Motorola's Backup Assistant. I then proceeded to enter in my Gmail accounts. With the original phone/ first time through I had indicated a Gmail account, but had clicked on the Droid's "EMail Accounts" icon in the Set Up Accounts window. This time I thought about it more and realized (duh) that Gmail is a Google type of account. So this time I clicked on the 'Google" icon in the Set Up Accounts window. I did this for Gmai1, Gmail2, and Gmail3 accounts without any problem. And all three Gmail accounts got entered under the Droids Gmail application (so when I click on the Gmail app, and list the accounts, it shows all three Gmail addresses as I wanted. I next downloaded the K9 email app (which I highly rec over the Droid's Email app). I next added my work email address to the K9 application. I NEVER opened or used the Droid's "Email" application. My phone now works flawlessly, and no more com.motorola.service.main error/shut down messages. Boy this phone is fast/nice!

good luck

Two Factory Resets and still a no go, went to Verizon Store they gave me a new phone, all is well now. They said that some of those phones have been doing this and their Motorola rep is aware of it.