Screen & Camera reviews only

Here's my Settings.

Sent from my Droid Turbo 64G using Tapatalk.
Here's my Settings.

Sent from my Droid Turbo 64G using Tapatalk.

Hold your finger on the panoramic button on the half circle and rotate it up. That is only half the menu.

Tap'd from my Droid Turbo
Can we get a list of modes?
I compared my note 2 and my brother's note4 outside in the sun and there is hardly a different imo.

I think this whole brightness talk might be a bunch of bs
Well just learned my first camera lesson the hard way. Drove an hour round trip to take four(4) photos for business. Emailed them like I always do and then erased them. Get an email back "File size exceeds maximum allowed by the company email" that never happened on my MaxxHD so now I have to do the drive again, that was expensive.
Anyway to dumb down the pics so the file size is smaller? Either that or I experiment with how many (below 4) will work. Doh and not delete them until later.
Got to the end of that and was about to say why not just edit them smaller... Then saw the part about not deleting them.
Anybody have some night time pictures to share? Curious how it compares to z3v in low light.
Only used camera for a few shots but have found it slow to focus. Guess I need to get more familier with it.
Thanks for the feedback, need more
Only used camera for a few shots but have found it slow to focus. Guess I need to get more familier with it.

There is no denying it is a little on the slow side. Hopefully a future update will solve that. As well as giving us more choices for pic size.