Samsung Spent a Ridiculous Sum of Money on Advertising in 2013


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

We know that headline is what drew your attention, so we are going to jump straight to the number you want to read: $4.6 Billion dollars (4.89 trillion won). That's the astounding sum that Samsung spent on advertising and promotions throughout the globe last year for all of their products. Compare this to last year when they spent $2.2 billion, (2.37 trillion won), which was already a titanic sum, and you can see the massive marketing power Samsung is leveraging across our little planet.

There are some interesting figures hidden within these numbers. First, much of these numbers have been shifted around a bit. Samsung actually spent more money on sales promotions like rebates, coupons and other incentives, this time than it did on straight advertising. This shifts the savings directly to the consumer, which is something to be appreciative about. Here's a quote with more of the details,

For just the two first quarters of 2013, Samsung Electronics spent a whopping 934 billion won ($888 million) on sales promotions, up 38.7% from a year earlier, and another 1.71 trillion won ($661 million, down 60%) on advertising in its home country of South Korea alone.

These figures also offer up a stark vision of just how tough it is for any of Samsung's competition to get ahead against them. Just like the person with the most chips at the Poker table, Samsung can afford to drive the direction of the entire game. Even if you are a fan of Samsung, it's not hard to see that this isn't necessarily a good thing. Competition is ultimately important for the market to thrive. What do you think it will take for anyone else to gain market traction against this behemoth?

Source: PhoneArena
and it paid off...BIG. When people, aka your average consumer, want an Android device what do they pick up or look to first? Yup.....that's right. SAMSUNG
Watched the Radio City Music Hall intro of the Galaxy 4.

Without exaggeration, the worst public relations event I've ever witnessed.

But I'm addicted to Note series regardless. What can I say.
Between failing to get the Note 3 Dev edition out in decent numbers at release and putting hush orders on people whose houses they almost burned down I just can't bring myself to buy anything Samsung just yet.
Yeah ! Samsung's ad is everywhere. and if you want change your phone,what comes to your eyes first ? Samsung is there. and its ads has created a cool and fancy image for its products. lots people buy samsung because they think Samsung is cool. why? ads happens.
the numbers aren't nearly as shocking or impressive when given in USD ($4.7 billion)...the US govt spends more than twice that EVERY DAY.
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Samsung is on top because of Apple. All those lawsuits globally gave then exposure they'd have never gotten with commercials, billboards, etc.

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s pen aholic in Beast Mode (Notetoo)
I loved my S4 but once I got my Moto X I realized how sucky I had it with my Samsung. lol