Samsung Galaxy S6 on T-Mobile Received Android 5.1.1


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

We have confirmed a report that at least one Samsung Galaxy S6 on T-Mobile has already received the Android 5.1.1 version of Lollipop. As you can see in the video above, a Galaxy S6 owner named Eduardo Mera mysteriously found the Android 5.1.1 update on his phone this morning.

Of course, it's probably not surprising that this new update also included a freshly locked bootloader. There's one other interesting tidbit regarding this update. In case you were unaware, for some odd reason Samsung had disabled the new Lollipop feature called "Guest Mode" on their Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, but this new update appears to reactivate the feature.

Supposedly, the reason why they had it disabled before was because it was giving them problems (which were probably TouchWiz related since the feature works fine on other Lollipop enabled devices). At any rate, it looks like a limited rollout is beginning for the Android 5.1.1 on the Galaxy S6. We have no confirmation on whether it is going to be a full rollout or not, so sound off if you receive it.

Be sure to check out our dedicated Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge section for further discussion: Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge General Discussions Android Forum at

Source: XDA