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Samsung Compiled List of 27 Pics Doctored by Apple; Twitter Feed From Court Included!


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The drama over the potentially doctored Samsung pics by Apple just heated up in court this morning. A Dutch website called Webwereld, reported on a live Twitter feed from this morning that was straight out of the Düsseldorf court hearing regarding the Apple vs. Samsung case. During the hearing, a reporter named Andreas Udo de Haes, Tweets the events and arguments of counsel "live", and out of the event comes some fairly startling info. Supposedly, Samsung has found 27 pics that were doctored before Apple presented them in court. Furthermore, as you can see from the pic above, there was a heated exchange between the Apple and Samsung lawyers about the issue.

In the end, the judge decided to temporarily uphold the temporary injunction against Samsung so they can review things further and reconvene on September 9th. Below I have included a link to the Twitter feed so you can read the events and discuss theories amongst yourselves. Don't forget, (for those who don't know), in order to read a Twitter feed in time-line order, read it from the bottom upward.

Also... on a sidenote: Don't forget that next Monday, August 29th, we will be holding a Live report (if possible - shortly after if not) of the press event for the Samsung Mobile Galaxy SII Release in New York City around 6PM EST!

Source: GalaxyForums.net via DroidMatters and Webwereld and @andreasuldo Twitter Feed
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I'm slightly confused in that I thought that the manipulated pictures were used in the lawsuits in Germany and that the case in Holland had been reduced to only the picture management tool, which would have anything to do with manipulated product imagines.
I'm slightly confused in that I thought that the manipulated pictures were used in the lawsuits in Germany and that the case in Holland had been reduced to only the picture management tool, which would have anything to do with manipulated product imagines.

I am not sure of this (so don't quote me), but I believe that this refers to the German case. You are correct about the other case. But you are right, it is rather confusing.
I would love to be a fly on the wall in the offices of Apple, Samsung and HTC to see what is really going on.

To be or not to be........................wait what was the question? This signature has been Tapatalk approved.
This all smells like shenanigans to me. Samsung is doing an amazing job at playing "poor little innocent victim"

Why does Samsung have to be playing "poor lil innocent victim"? Isnt the ruling from the other day enough to say Apple is being just a wee bit anal about all this?
Why does Samsung have to be playing "poor lil innocent victim"? Isnt the ruling from the other day enough to say Apple is being just a wee bit anal about all this?

No, people act like Apple was suing for like 20,000 patent infringements when in reality it was 3. So they won one of the three and atleast had a case on the other 2. Now the judge ruled in favor of Samsung on the other two which is a win for them but that doesn't mean Apple was being anal about their patents.
First post! Anyway, if I had 20,000 patents and I was Apple, Id sue anyone and everyone that violated any one of them. Why even have a patent if your not prepared to take action against someone who violates them? It takes money and time to pay for lawyers and such to get patents. If you have them, the whole goal of it is to protect your idea which took resources and time to come up with (Not everyone works for free). As for the doctored photos, that is a clear attempt to mislead. How can one accidentally edit device pictures to look like others? Especially in a lawsuit based on similarities, clearly making their product look similar Apples is misleading. I wouldn't mislead the court, but it looks like the court didn't really care.
Every product released today that is more complex than a roofing shingle violates countless patents, including Apple's products. The reason everyone is scrambling to buy these massive portfolios of patents is that they are both an offensive and defensive weapons. What Google might do with some of those that come with Motorola is use them as a threat to back Apple and Microsoft off from their predatory litigiousness. In the end, the only ones that get rich will be the lawyers. Apple will assume it's 10-15% niche. Android or some other mass-market OS will take most of the rest. There is no legal remedy for a free market.
First post! Anyway, if I had 20,000 patents and I was Apple, Id sue anyone and everyone that violated any one of them. Why even have a patent if your not prepared to take action against someone who violates them? It takes money and time to pay for lawyers and such to get patents. If you have them, the whole goal of it is to protect your idea which took resources and time to come up with (Not everyone works for free). As for the doctored photos, that is a clear attempt to mislead. How can one accidentally edit device pictures to look like others? Especially in a lawsuit based on similarities, clearly making their product look similar Apples is misleading. I wouldn't mislead the court, but it looks like the court didn't really care.

I completely agree with you on trying to defend your patents. The problem with today is that the patent office has handed out many many patents that wouldn't hold up in a court because they are too vague, and for many other reasons. There needs to really be patent reform. I don't 100% disagree with apple suing people because they hold the patents now. Apple and many other companies sue in court to do one of a few things. one of which is they do it because once a court decides if it's upheld, then they can sue anyone else that is violating it knowing that it will withstand the court.
I completely agree with you on trying to defend your patents. The problem with today is that the patent office has handed out many many patents that wouldn't hold up in a court because they are too vague, and for many other reasons. There needs to really be patent reform. I don't 100% disagree with apple suing people because they hold the patents now. Apple and many other companies sue in court to do one of a few things. one of which is they do it because once a court decides if it's upheld, then they can sue anyone else that is violating it knowing that it will withstand the court.

Nailed it, the patent system is truly the culprit in all of these lawsuits. People don't seem to want to see that though, they just see the name Apple and lawsuit and assume Apple is the big bad bully picking on their younger brother.
Won't you be a little early? "Also... on a sidenote: Don't forget that next Monday, August 25th, we will be holding a Live report (if possible - shortly after if not) of the press event for the Samsung Mobile Galaxy SII Release in New York City around 6PM EST!"

I thought the press event was scheduled for the 29th...?
Won't you be a little early? "Also... on a sidenote: Don't forget that next Monday, August 25th, we will be holding a Live report (if possible - shortly after if not) of the press event for the Samsung Mobile Galaxy SII Release in New York City around 6PM EST!"

I thought the press event was scheduled for the 29th...?

Thanks for catching my typo. ;) Will correct now.
I completely agree with you on trying to defend your patents. The problem with today is that the patent office has handed out many many patents that wouldn't hold up in a court because they are too vague, and for many other reasons. There needs to really be patent reform. I don't 100% disagree with apple suing people because they hold the patents now. Apple and many other companies sue in court to do one of a few things. one of which is they do it because once a court decides if it's upheld, then they can sue anyone else that is violating it knowing that it will withstand the court.
Like a square button, and a rectangular power button???