Rush 24/7 podcasts


Nov 4, 2009
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First off, please know I'm not trying to start something. I know tensions are high if you follow politics. But, I'm seriously trying to find an answer and would appreciate help if you have it, and nothing more. For or against Rush, I'm not baiting for that sort of discussion.

However, I am a member of Rush's "24/7" member site, which allows you to download his podcasts each day. Since I joined, I've downloaded the podcast to Rhythmbox on my Linux machine and put it in my iPod. However, there are some days when I don't get that chance and I'm also looking to possibly move my music to my Droid. One of the things I'd like to be able to do is download the podcast to my Droid directly.

I believe Stitcher does it on the iPhone, however, while Stitcher is available in Android, it doesn't yet carry the ability to carry premium podcasts. Is there anyone else who knows of a way to get it to my phone?

Of note, I tried adding it to Listen, but I think it has a problem with the username/password info at the beginning.

Thanks for any help!
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Can you download the podcast as an MP3 file, and move it to your SD card by mounting the Droid on your computer? Or, does it even work that way?

Just thought I would suggest that.
Will this still work with Rush moving to Costa Rica? (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

I use Google Listen. It is in the Market. I download the Adam Carolla podcasts automatically everyday. I just put the podcast's url in the Listen app and it takes care of the rest. I don't see why it would not work for your podcast.
Can you download the podcast as an MP3 file, and move it to your SD card by mounting the Droid on your computer? Or, does it even work that way?

Just thought I would suggest that.

Thanks for the suggestion....I actually tried downloading the individual files off the website directly to the phone last night, but that didn't appear to work. There is the option of getting the individual files on my computer and then moving them over, which is what I do now with Rhythmbox and my iPod, but I"m hoping for an alternative when I'm unable to get the files off my computer (of note, I'm in the boonies relying on Verizon's 5GB-capped cellular broadband for internet, so I try to limit the audio/video files I download at home).

But, if I decide to ditch my iPod all together and move to my Droid for all my music/podcasts, then that is certainly a way to do it on a day to day basis.
Will this still work with Rush moving to Costa Rica? (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

I'm resisting the urge :)

I use Google Listen. It is in the Market. I download the Adam Carolla podcasts automatically everyday. I just put the podcast's url in the Listen app and it takes care of the rest. I don't see why it would not work for your podcast.

Yeah, I tried Listen after I posted thinking I was being stupid for not trying it initially. Unfortunately, the feed requires a username/password, which Rhythmbox is able to handle by putting the feed in as "http://username: [email protected]/foo/bar.xml". I tried the same format in Listen, and it gave me an ever-helpful "Error Adding Subscription: An unknown error occurred". I tried it without the username: password bit at the beginning hoping it would prompt me, but got the same error.

I don't know if it's the feed or if Listen is just being wonky (I could try adding Mark Levin to it :) ).
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I've gone through this and here's the crappy reality --- the Rush Media Center software combined with Media Monkey would be the best combination to do this, at least on my XP x64 machine which isn't supported by iTunes.

Now, I lost my Rush Media Center installer, so I'm screwed. I've seen it posted a few places, but I didn't trust them. Manual download is the only way I know of -- that is, unless iTunes downloads the podcast as MP3's.

As an alternative, I believe there is an open source project that somehow emulate an ipod/iphone iTunes Agent

I have not tried Songbird.
download Rush Podcast over the air


I too have been searching for a subscription podcast app that will let me automatically download the rush daily far no luck. As an alternative though, you can use the Opera Browser to download the individual files from the Rush 24/7 website. It's not convenient to be sure but Opera will let you save the .mp3 files to your phone and then use your media player of choice to play them back.

Hope this helps.
Heck, if you have 2.2 and Flash on your rooted phone, you could just download from the site with your stock browser! (i've always wondered myself how to get this to work with rush's podcasts. I may try his website now that I have 2.2 and flash)
Hey All,

I have some good news for other Rush 24/7 aficionados (or anyone with an authenticated feed).

I've now been listening to the podcast exclusively on my phone, and couldn't be happier! will take an authenticated feed and act as a middle man and create an unauthenticated feed to put in the feed reader of choice.

It takes your user name and password, which obviously is less than desirable, but if you're concerned, just use a throwaway password for the feed that's not connected with any important accounts you have.

Now, here's what I really discovered that's cool, and don't know if anyone else is aware (probably, I'm really slow). You can take the new URL and put it into Google Reader. It will create the podcast subscription for you. You can then move it to your "Listen Subscriptions" folder (note: this folder is not in place by default. I had to create it by first subscribing to a feed in Listen on my phone. That created the folder in Google Reader, which then allows you to subscribe to feed directly from your computer).

Any podcast feeds subscribed under "Listen Subscriptions" automatically syncs with Listen on your phone.

It's a slick set up and works as advertised. Hope some other folks who have been frustrated can now have peace :)

Wow, thanks so much for posting this! I subscribe to Rush 24/7 and I downloaded Listen and added my unauthenticated feed from and now I have the podcast on my Incredible and everything works perfectly! Mark Levin works as well and it is free.

I would love to get Hannity but I do not subscribe to his insider podcast. Anyone who has a Hannity subscription interested in swapping your unauthenticated feed for my unauthenticated Rush feed? PM ME....

Now I just need 2.2 so the dittocam will work. :icon_ banana:
hey. Was actually looking for a way to listen to rush live today (no luck) and stumbled across this old thread. Thought I'd mention a great pay app in the market called beyondpod that allows for authenticated feeds. You just add the url and then edit the feed and add your user name and password. It'll even auto update and download new episodes daily. 8 bucks but totally worth it to me. It has a free trial too. So yeah, options.
I just found a free app that will handle podcasts that require a login.

And it works for RUSH 24/7.

It is called ACAST.

I've used it for free podcast for a couple months, it takes some getting used to but once you've used it awhile it's a piece of cake.

Tip: When you put in a url requiring a password Acast opens a login screen and once you type in the name and password a list of podcasts will show on the screen and Rush isn't there, ignore the list and just touch the add icon "has the Plus sign" and Rush will be added as a Feed.

I tried it a month ago and gave up, then last night I played with it again and discovered the trick.

The link I used was:

Good luck
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Yes I believe it does although all I've used is the auto update of the feeds available, I haven't set it up to auto download yet.

Try it its free and they are pretty active with updates to improve it.