[Rumor] Samsung VP Reveals a few Galaxy S5 Details 'off the record'


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Supposedly, Samsung VP Dong-hoon Chang, recently revealed a few details about the upcoming Galaxy S5 flagship. First, he let it slip that the device will launch at or near the Mobile World Congress event in February. He also shared that it will likely be made of a “new material.” Additionally, he suggested that Samsung is still reviewing the possibility of a flexible display for the device.

This seems to confirm previous rumors on the subject. There is still a chance that multiple versions of the SGS5 will launch, or that the "flexible display" device would end up as a completely separate "premium" branding. As always, stay tuned as we will share the details as soon as we find them.

Source: GforGames
They're going to make a lot of people hold off on buying an S5 until all the versions are out. And they may even piss some folks off if they buy an S5 and a month later a better version at the same price pops out.
That's the nature of the beast with any electronic device, as soon as you buy the latest and greatest, a new greatest is right around the corner. The way I see it, smartphones have become so advanced, that even two year old devices still do their job admirably, I still sport an S3 and it does everything I need it to do just fine "I am actually using it at the moment to tether to my LG G Pad 8.3, while sitting at the airport in my car waiting to get dispatched" . Whoever bus the S5 should be happy with it for at least 2-3 years.
My Galaxy Nexus is still doing what's asked to do, I passed the free S4 offer by Best Buy to wait for S5, even though I know there would be another phone down the road that I would rather buy. The deal breaker on S4 was the battery, hopefully we get better one on S5.
Launching in February and it may or may not have a flexible display....and that somehow CONFIRMS rumors?!?

"Samsung will launch a phone sometime in 2014, confirming rumors..."