This rom is a test rom strait from HTC..... Desire S was never meant to have anything more but sense 2.1 but HTC decided to update them to sense 3.0 for some reason.... why is this good for us? it good for us because everything is sized correctly by htc, so it looks like it should..... I will no longer be updating my pyramid rom unless something major pops up this will know be my main focus for a sense 3.0 rom..... i use it as my daily driver now and i am very pleased with it, so im sure you will be as well
change log
fixed wifi
added Htc Calibrate
added 3D homescreen
took out sig check in services jar
added custom OC kernel by chad
added adrev OC daemon
added better weather videos
added new market
fixed mms
added display manager
added SD card speed tweak
added battery calibration script
Beta 2
New complete base(Thanks Goapk)
Fixed softkeys Finally
Mic works
added auto mount from market for mounting p.c.
bluetooth fixed hopefully
cleaned out bloatware
This rom is going to be amazing once i get the bugs worked out i worked on it for 3 hours lastnight and i didnt want to stop but i had to so i uploaded what i have
Beta 1
added missing apks
Fixed mic
added some tweaks to system
cleaned up some of the debug test stuff
added bianarys that were missing
added new default.xml so widgets are loaded on the home screen
still very early i only have a couple hours into it but its better than the alpha build
Sense 3.0
Gingerbread 2.3.5
sized by HTC for wvga
4 in 1 advanced power menu
custom OC kernel
andrev OC Daemon
Native screen capture
Htc screen calibrate
2 stock skins
New inhanced weather videos
250mb free ram on first boot
and a lot more
known issues
*Sd Card unmounts P.C sometimes
*Cant record videos with stereo audio checked uncheck it and record with regular audio
please post bug reports on my site so i know i dont miss them
I am running this rom now without any hiccups. By far my favorite rom. Newt did an awesome job here give give him props on his site should be linked. Of course if you mess your phone up its not my fault. I haven't had any issues this rom its rock solid. Just wipe everything. Enjoy! Again I take no credit for this work newts awesome!
Original link:
Sent from my Incredible 2 3D using Tapatalk

change log
fixed wifi
added Htc Calibrate
added 3D homescreen
took out sig check in services jar
added custom OC kernel by chad
added adrev OC daemon
added better weather videos
added new market
fixed mms
added display manager
added SD card speed tweak
added battery calibration script
Beta 2
New complete base(Thanks Goapk)
Fixed softkeys Finally
Mic works
added auto mount from market for mounting p.c.
bluetooth fixed hopefully
cleaned out bloatware
This rom is going to be amazing once i get the bugs worked out i worked on it for 3 hours lastnight and i didnt want to stop but i had to so i uploaded what i have
Beta 1
added missing apks
Fixed mic
added some tweaks to system
cleaned up some of the debug test stuff
added bianarys that were missing
added new default.xml so widgets are loaded on the home screen
still very early i only have a couple hours into it but its better than the alpha build
Sense 3.0
Gingerbread 2.3.5
sized by HTC for wvga
4 in 1 advanced power menu
custom OC kernel
andrev OC Daemon
Native screen capture
Htc screen calibrate
2 stock skins
New inhanced weather videos
250mb free ram on first boot
and a lot more
known issues
*Sd Card unmounts P.C sometimes
*Cant record videos with stereo audio checked uncheck it and record with regular audio
please post bug reports on my site so i know i dont miss them
I am running this rom now without any hiccups. By far my favorite rom. Newt did an awesome job here give give him props on his site should be linked. Of course if you mess your phone up its not my fault. I haven't had any issues this rom its rock solid. Just wipe everything. Enjoy! Again I take no credit for this work newts awesome!
Original link:
Sent from my Incredible 2 3D using Tapatalk
Last edited: