All credit goes to bendbowden over at XDA for this amazing themed ROM based off jt1134's source build...
Orig link: [Theme] [3/15/11] Honeycomb | bout as close as you can get [v1] [AOSP 0.9.1] - xda-developers
[Theme] [3/15/11] Honeycomb | bout as close as you can get [v1] [AOSP 0.9.1]
This is a full aosp build and not just a theme. It is compiled from jt1134's source and is essentially a themed version of his vanilla froyo (with a couple of additional appearance mods by me). It should go without saying that this is not a theme for eb01/tw based roms. As far as installation is concerned....If you are already running aosp there should be no reason to wipe (see additional notes below). Flash rom then flash themed google apps package below. If you are coming from a touchwiz based rom you should follow standard procedure. Wipe data/cache, flash rom, flash one of jt's kernels from here, and flash themed google apps package below.
Now that we have that out of the way, how bout some screenies.....
- Stock honeycomb UI that get's about as close to the real thing as possible (all the way down to the horizontal progress bars).
- ALL stock apps, app icons, and widgets have been themed to replicate the look of honeycomb.
- Toggle tab/rotary lockscreen at your convenience in Spareparts.
- Xoom boot animation (thanks adrynalyne). Not sure where he grabbed it from.
Additional Notes
Accurate battery text is not a part of the image in aosp. It is set by Settings Provider. In order to preserve the look of the honeycomb battery and get it to look right with the accurate battery text, I changed the font from its default 10 to 08. Here's the thing: although the text is set by Settings Provider, the settings for it are stored in data. So if you have been previously running any other aosp build, it is likely that you will have to wipe data/cache in order to get it to show up right. I know that is aggravating, but it is the only solution I know of atm.
Also, I did not include the honeycomb wallpapers in this build. If you want them search 'honeycomb wallpapers' in the market. If you prefer ADW over Launcher2, there is a honeycomb adw theme also on the market which will give you the hc dock. I'm not sure if any others will pop up, but the best are developed by GFX Android (Haxzamatic) and come highly recommended by yours truly.
Lastly, if you kang/mashup (those words are becoming synonymous imo), please be sure to give credit for anything you take from this theme and include in your own (particularly the apps). Most of the images I use are not original, but they took a considerable amount of time to patch and package.
Update 3/15/11
-added rotary answer phone.apk for those that may prefer it. adb push to /system/app or move to the directory with a file manager. also added the honeycomb ic_jog images that i forgot to include.
-fixed up a couple of app widgets that needed different font colors for legibility.
- jt1134 for the awesome aosp build
- omj for inspiring me to theme from source
- haxzamatic for alot of the images. Most, whether they know it or not, are indebted to him for his initial port of the honeycomb theme found here.
Honeycomb AOSP 0.9.1
Honeycomb Themed Gapps
Rotary Phone Controls
***Be sure to grab jt1134's 0.9.1a patch here until I have time to include it in the build.***
Orig link: [Theme] [3/15/11] Honeycomb | bout as close as you can get [v1] [AOSP 0.9.1] - xda-developers

This is a full aosp build and not just a theme. It is compiled from jt1134's source and is essentially a themed version of his vanilla froyo (with a couple of additional appearance mods by me). It should go without saying that this is not a theme for eb01/tw based roms. As far as installation is concerned....If you are already running aosp there should be no reason to wipe (see additional notes below). Flash rom then flash themed google apps package below. If you are coming from a touchwiz based rom you should follow standard procedure. Wipe data/cache, flash rom, flash one of jt's kernels from here, and flash themed google apps package below.
Now that we have that out of the way, how bout some screenies.....

- Stock honeycomb UI that get's about as close to the real thing as possible (all the way down to the horizontal progress bars).
- ALL stock apps, app icons, and widgets have been themed to replicate the look of honeycomb.
- Toggle tab/rotary lockscreen at your convenience in Spareparts.
- Xoom boot animation (thanks adrynalyne). Not sure where he grabbed it from.
Additional Notes
Accurate battery text is not a part of the image in aosp. It is set by Settings Provider. In order to preserve the look of the honeycomb battery and get it to look right with the accurate battery text, I changed the font from its default 10 to 08. Here's the thing: although the text is set by Settings Provider, the settings for it are stored in data. So if you have been previously running any other aosp build, it is likely that you will have to wipe data/cache in order to get it to show up right. I know that is aggravating, but it is the only solution I know of atm.
Also, I did not include the honeycomb wallpapers in this build. If you want them search 'honeycomb wallpapers' in the market. If you prefer ADW over Launcher2, there is a honeycomb adw theme also on the market which will give you the hc dock. I'm not sure if any others will pop up, but the best are developed by GFX Android (Haxzamatic) and come highly recommended by yours truly.
Lastly, if you kang/mashup (those words are becoming synonymous imo), please be sure to give credit for anything you take from this theme and include in your own (particularly the apps). Most of the images I use are not original, but they took a considerable amount of time to patch and package.

Update 3/15/11
-added rotary answer phone.apk for those that may prefer it. adb push to /system/app or move to the directory with a file manager. also added the honeycomb ic_jog images that i forgot to include.
-fixed up a couple of app widgets that needed different font colors for legibility.
- jt1134 for the awesome aosp build
- omj for inspiring me to theme from source
- haxzamatic for alot of the images. Most, whether they know it or not, are indebted to him for his initial port of the honeycomb theme found here.
Honeycomb AOSP 0.9.1
Honeycomb Themed Gapps
Rotary Phone Controls
***Be sure to grab jt1134's 0.9.1a patch here until I have time to include it in the build.***