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★☞[Rom] Jelly 'Beans' - Build 6 [08/20/13]Perfection and Stability[I545VRUAME7]☜★




Build 6

Jelly Beans is Geared Towards Users that want the look of AOSP but want the stability and feautures of touchwiz (Theme Coming Soon!)


[u][color=#FF0000][size=3]Aroma Feature's:[/size][/color][/u]
-Selectable Applications
-Google: Talk, Maps, Youtube, Gmail, Play Music
-Samsung: S-Health, Mobile Print, S-Translate, Watchon, Smemo, Svoice, SCalendar,
-Misc: dropbox w 50gb hack, flash player, ad blocking, Polaris Office, cLock, Vpn, terminal emulator, myvzw, vvm
-Launcher Selection (4x4 Touchwiz, 4x5 Touchwiz, Apex, Nova)
-Email App Selection (Stock, Hacked Stock, Aosp)
-Keyboard Selection (Touchwiz Keyboard, 4.2 Keyboard)
-Music Selection (Touchwiz Music, Apollo)
-File Explorer Selection (Stock, Es File explorer)
-Kernel Selection (Stock, Kt Kernel, faux)
-Sound Selection (Aosp or Tw Ui Sounds)
-Boot anim Selection (Stock or Google Edition)

-Based off of My Deodexed OTA VRUAME7 4.2.2
-Google News & Weather Widget (geniewidget)
-JellyBeans OTA updater
-Native all apps in Multiwindow 
-Bash, BusyBox, Sqlite3, Init.d Supportt
-Hacked Launcher for Moar Speed
-Launcher Sorted Alphabetically By Default
-Custom Android Bookmarks 
-Build.prop Tweaks
-Custom Init.d Scripts
-Internation Boot/Shutdown Animations
-Device Status now is Official
-1% Battery Mod
-fully resizable popup browser
-3-way Reboot Menu
-Emoji Keyboard
-jellybean wallpapers
-Shutter sound menu on camera
-Disabled increasing ringtone
-Wifi notif killer mod
-Crt Off Animation
-Longpress Menu to Kill Current App
-Call Button in Log list
-Fully Working Blocking Mode
-Fully Working Call/Msg Block
-Misc Browser Tweaks
-Smart Stay icon only comes on when in use not (always on)
-Unlimited Browser Tabs
-Unlimited Contact Links
-Custom Build.Prop Tweaks 
-Disabled Increasing Ringtone
-Disabled Scrolling Cache
-Disabled Signature checking
-Disabled network throttling
-Disabled fog on ripple lockscreen
-Added Wifi, Hotspot, Air Gesture, Smart Pause, Blocking Toggles
-Added JellyBeans Rom to Settings > About Phone
-Added Custom Settings to Settings
-Added Ringtones MIUI/CM
-Removed Annoying Location Icon
-Removed 100% full battery Notification
-Removed All traces of Software Update
-Removed HowTo/Misc Videos
-Removed Boot and ShutDown Sounds
-Enabled Negative Colors widget
-Enabled Dormant Mode
-Enabled Burst Shot
-Enabled All rotations
-Enabled Shutter Sound Menu
-Enabled Blocking Mode
-Enabled Mobile Hotspot
-Enabled Call recording 
-Enabled Nfc on lockscreen
-Zipaligned on Boot

-Enabled ALL mms options
*Unlimited Recipient Limit
*enabled Screen on/off toggle
*enabled Signature Setings
*enabled Vibration Options
*enabled emergency alert options
*enabled Split mode on landscape
*enabled Save/restore Messages
*enabled Message priority option
*enabled spam/blocking mode
*enabled Group Messaging
*enabled Reminder Alert
*enabled Delivery and Read Reports

-Removed Apps
*Verizons Remote Diagnostics App
*Google Books
*Nfl Mobile
*Samsung Knox Crap
*Easy Settings/Launcher
*Amazon Bloat
*Google Magazines
*Google Plus
*Samsung Setup Wizard
*Trip Advisor
*Google Video
*Verizon Security App
*Verizon Navigator
*Verizon Tones

[u][color=#FF0000][size=3]Custom Settings:[/size][/color][/u]
-Rom Control
*Crt animation Toggle
*Longpress Menu to kill toggle
*Scrolling Wallpaper Toggle
*Page Loop Toggle
*Longpress to skip tracks Toggle
*Aosp Lockscreen toggle
*Aosp Lockscreen Vibration Toggle
*Lockscreen Torch Toggle
*Lockscreen Sounds Toggle 
*Home Wake Toggle
*Clock position toggle
*Am/Pm style toggle
*Day of Week Toggle
*Clock Color changer
*StatusBar Color Changer
*Alarm Icon Toggle
*IME icon toggle
*Network Speed Toggle
*Network Speed Color Changer
*Battery Icon Picker & Options
*Battery Bar Toggle & Options

-App Settings
*Pie Controls
*Cpu Control (trickster mod)
*Fast Dormancy Toggle
*Media Scanner Fix

-Xposed Settings
*Xposed Framework installer
*Per App Dpi Settings
*Theme Engine
*Icon Themer

-Beans OTA Updater


[b]Build 6 - 08-20-13[/b]
-forward ported all the old mods
-fixed custom settings freezing on landscape
-disabled network throttling
-disabled fog on ripple lockscreen
-updated rom to me7 base
-updated es file explorer, hp print plugin
-updated google services, google now, gmail
-updated maps, youtube, hangouts, music
-updated group play, fwupgrade, allshare
-updated push services, watchon, peel, nova
-updated SuperSu, Beans Settings, myvzw, apex
-added aroma installer, newest version
-added fully working blocking mode
-added fully working call/msg block
-added tw launcher scrolling wallpaper toggle
-added tw launcher page looping toggle
-added toggle for torch on lockscreen
-added timeout options for lockscreen torch
-added toggle for aosp lockscreen
-added toggle for aosp lockscreen vibration
-added toggle for network speeds on statusbar
-added color changer for network speed on statusbar
-added in call menu can now be viewed in landscape
-added aroma option for choice of keyboard
-added aroma option for choice of music app
-added aroma option for choice of email app
-added aroma option for choice of file manager
-added aroma option for choice of bootanim
-added aroma option for choice of ui sounds
-added aroma option for choice of samsung apps
-added aroma option for choice of misc apps
-added aroma option for choice of vzw apps
-added aroma option for choice of kernel

[b]Build 5 - 07-10-13[/b]
-fixed contacts Fc when manually selecting sms recipient
-made battery % text more legible on stock ui
-added toggle for crt animation
-added lmt launcher aka pie controls
-added nottach xposed module
-addedt hemed multiwindow bar thanks gadget!
-added Ad Blocking as default
-added Google Gs4 Bootanim as Default
-added native call recording to phone menu
-added nfc on lockscreen mod
-added fully resizable popup browser
-removed 3 way resizable popup browser 
-removed xposed tweakbox
-removed edge zoom toggle 4.1.2 and up dont have edge zoom
-Updated SuperSu and Su Binary
-Updated BusyBox to 1.21.0
-Updated Ad Blocking File
-Updated Samsung Push Services
-Updated Gmail 

[b]Build 4 - 06-27-13[/b]
-fixed symbols not showing on keyboard
-reverted some changes that didnt work
-reverted some settings mods that caused bugs
-fixed sms mods 
-added toggle for longpress to kill
-cleaned up android.policy.jar ALOT
-now contains all the mods in Didacts multimod 1.1 +some
-added cLock to /data
-exchange Security is now disabled on stock email
-updated Peel and Google now
-removed otaupdate center ota system
-added updateme ota system
-removed some bloat, installable through addon downloader

[b]Build 3 - 06-21-13[/b]
-Completely redid custom settings(thanks Sbreen94)
-Added IME Toggle
-Added Edge Zoom Toggle
-Added Home Wake Toggle
-Added Longpress to skip tracks Menu
-Added Clock position toggle
-Added Am/Pm style toggle
-Added Day of Week Toggle
-Added Clock Color changer
-Added StatusBar Color Changer
-Added Alarm Icon Toggle
-Added Battery Icon Picker & Options
-Added Battery Bar Toggle & Options
-Added Cpu Control (trickster mod)
-Added Fast Dormancy Toggle
-Added gps quick fix app
-Added Media Scanner Fix app
-Added xposedTheme Engine
-Added Beans OTA Updater
-Added Native All apps in Multiwindow
-Added Driving Mode to settings
-Added Crt-Off animation
-Added Longpress Menu to Kill Current App
-Disabled Scrolling Cache
-Disabled Signature checking
-Disabled 100% full battery Notification
-updated All apps in rom
-Probably more i forgot 

[b]Build 2 - 06-04-13[/b]
-added back languages
-fixed voice on camera
-added hotspot toggle
-fixed Battery % errors
-updated youtube
-updated watchon

[b]Build 1 - 06-02-13[/b]
-removed wifi notification
-removed all amazon apps
-removed all tutorials and videos
-removed verizons software updater
-removed trip adbvisor
-removed verizon navigator, verion security, verizon tones
-removed all non us languages
-removed Cb message
-added sqlite3 
-added cm/miui ringtones
-added international samsung bootanim
-added 4 way reboot menu
-added init.d tweaks
-added browser tweaks
-added launcher tweaks
-added jellybean wallpapers
-added wifi, dormant, airgesture toggle
-added blocking mode(wip)
-added blocking mode(wip)
-added multiwindow manager(all apps in MW)
-added esfile explorer (root explorer)
-added custom tweaks
-added screen on/off option to mms
-added split view opion to mms
-added bunch of mms/sms tweaks
-added shutter sound menu on camera
-added disabled increasing ringtone
-added emoji keyboard
-updated all apps!



Step 1-
Make sure u have a loki recovery
Step 2-
Wipe all(factory reset and davlick wipe) if coming from an old build
Step 3-
Install the Rom
Step 4-
Reboot and Enjoy!


some root apps will not work without a kernel with setuid restrictions removed. i suggest flashing faux or kt747 kernel for full superuser compatability

For Feature Requests and bug reports please visit my google docs page: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnCPaSWEXwXfdHo4Rk1HVkNhR3BxR1BIZ3IzVjZFNVE#gid=0

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djrbliss - For the loki method on the att and vzw s4's
didact74 - Massive thanks for being a modding genious and his multimod
dwitherell- for helping with some mods on note2 and logic behind the launcher mods
Sbreen94- help with custom setting, some mods and longpress to skip tracks on me7
AndyBones - For fully working Blocking Mode, Call/Msg Block, etc
Vertumus & Daveyaniahlation - For the aosp theme work
scrosler- for bering a team player and teaching me aroma basics
Angus MacGyver - for the Boot animation.. thanks a bunch
KennyGlass123 - For being an awesome MOD
Gadget! - for all graphics signatures, thread headers, themed multiwindow bar
Maybe More if i forgot u let me know and i will add you!


- It is Recommended to Flash the ME7 Modem
Check the Addons installer in Custom Settings​
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Hello ! can i use this rom with the gt-i9500 international?
also, which kernel would you suggest to save more battery ? Stock, Kt Kernel or faux ?
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