Here we go guys and gals! This is the initial release of Eclipse ICS for the Galaxy Nexus. This initial build has some of the basic necessities that people like. More features will come over time.
Battery Options
Full AOSP ICS 4.0.4
ICS bootanimation
Superuser and su binary built - ChansDD
Mobile Hotspot Hack
USB Tethering enabled
4.0.4 Proprietaries added
Full ICS theme throughout the rom (GB Framework)
Inverted Applications (Black/white text)
Theme Manager - CM
Lockscreen with 5 hotseats
Power button as Camera shutter - Danesh
Camera volume zoom
Status Bar Tweaks
1% mod - Accurate battery
Powerwidget toggles - CM source (customize in Eclipse Settings)
Powerwidget indicator color picker
IME toggle - Romanbb
Battery options - Syaoran
Clock Options - Syaoran
Clock color picker
Navigation Bar Tweaks
Customize Navigation Buttons 5 hotseats
Softkey color picker
Longpress back to kill - CM
Ability to hide softkey/nav bar
Additional Apps
DSP Manager
Terminal Emulator
File Manager compiled with ICS SDK
Extra live wallpapers
Apex Launcher as the default launcher - Android Does
Eclipse Wallpapers app
Eclipse Settings integrated into the settings app (not much there yet)
Appwidget Picker - Boombuler/BlackDino for giving it the ICS appearance
Sense4 clock widget - just cause it looks nice - J3bu5Cru57 [MOD] Sense 4.0 clock widget APK - xda-developers
Misc Tweaks
Extended power options (reboot menu) -CM
Volume to wake toggle
Longpress Volume to change music tracks - CM
Quiet Hours - CM
Custom carrier text
LED/notification controls
Navigation bar settings
Status bar settings
Facebook Sync - Roman
init.d support
sysctl tweaks
Changed DNS servers to Google
insecure boot.img
Extra camera effects are added
AVRCP 1.3 - CM
Download Eclipse Toro v1.6.4:
md5: 47b80666b9b86c56a873b0c6dbaeb208
Mirror v1.6.4 Download: Dev-Host - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
Download Google Apps 05.29.2012:
Mirror 5/29/12 Google Apps: Dev-Host - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
Installation Instructions
1. Download Eclipse Rom
2. Download Google Apps (G-Apps)
3. Reboot into clockworkmod recovery
4. Wipe data in CWM recovery
5. Install
6. Install
7. Reboot
Battery Options
Full AOSP ICS 4.0.4
ICS bootanimation
Superuser and su binary built - ChansDD
Mobile Hotspot Hack
USB Tethering enabled
4.0.4 Proprietaries added
Full ICS theme throughout the rom (GB Framework)
Inverted Applications (Black/white text)
Theme Manager - CM
Lockscreen with 5 hotseats
Power button as Camera shutter - Danesh
Camera volume zoom
Status Bar Tweaks
1% mod - Accurate battery
Powerwidget toggles - CM source (customize in Eclipse Settings)
Powerwidget indicator color picker
IME toggle - Romanbb
Battery options - Syaoran
Clock Options - Syaoran
Clock color picker
Navigation Bar Tweaks
Customize Navigation Buttons 5 hotseats
Softkey color picker
Longpress back to kill - CM
Ability to hide softkey/nav bar
Additional Apps
DSP Manager
Terminal Emulator
File Manager compiled with ICS SDK
Extra live wallpapers
Apex Launcher as the default launcher - Android Does
Eclipse Wallpapers app
Eclipse Settings integrated into the settings app (not much there yet)
Appwidget Picker - Boombuler/BlackDino for giving it the ICS appearance
Sense4 clock widget - just cause it looks nice - J3bu5Cru57 [MOD] Sense 4.0 clock widget APK - xda-developers
Misc Tweaks
Extended power options (reboot menu) -CM
Volume to wake toggle
Longpress Volume to change music tracks - CM
Quiet Hours - CM
Custom carrier text
LED/notification controls
Navigation bar settings
Status bar settings
Facebook Sync - Roman
init.d support
sysctl tweaks
Changed DNS servers to Google
insecure boot.img
Extra camera effects are added
AVRCP 1.3 - CM
Download Eclipse Toro v1.6.4:
md5: 47b80666b9b86c56a873b0c6dbaeb208
Mirror v1.6.4 Download: Dev-Host - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
Download Google Apps 05.29.2012:
Mirror 5/29/12 Google Apps: Dev-Host - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
Installation Instructions
1. Download Eclipse Rom
2. Download Google Apps (G-Apps)
3. Reboot into clockworkmod recovery
4. Wipe data in CWM recovery
5. Install
6. Install
7. Reboot
v1.6.4 - 5/29/12
Reverted Camera power as shutter and volume zoom for now
Added pinch to zoom feature
v1.6.3 - 5/29/12
Updated Google Apps
Inverted Email
Inverted Gmail
Fixed terminal from 1.6.2 build
Updated Apex Launcher to 1.2.1 (fixed homescreen layout and set some custom defaults as well)
Camera volume buttons can now zoom in and out
Camera power button acts as shutter - Danesh
v1.6.2 - 5/27/12
Revamped navigation bar
Fixed flashlight toggle
New music player (can install Play music from market if desired)
new digital battery option
Neutral calendar, mms and Google Talk colors for better theme integration
Larger toggle indicators to show on/off better
Updated Terminal
v1.6.1 - 5/15/12
Updated theme engine to apply themes to the power menu and volume rocker
Updated framework to play nicer with older applications
Fixed black on black issues with popups
Buttons and font should now resize properly.
v1.6 - 5/14/12
Added in CM9 Theme engine (only standard battery will theme at this time)
New Navigation bar
Added a color control section to organize additional items you can theme/color
New Lockscreen with 5 hotseats - CM
Revamped Eclipse Settings (some items are in a new location)
Cleaned up systemUI code to play better with the theme engine
Updated Google Apps
Themed the last of the GB framework to match ICS
Added emoji icons functionality - CM
v1.5.2 - 5/3/12
Fixes for notification LED
Added Navbar hide option in extended controls
Added AVRCP 1.3 support
Fixed framework gb theme
Updated ApexLauncher
v1.5.1 - 4/30/12
Added LED controls - roman
Possible fix for notification issues
Fixed Navigation bar icons
Fixed navigation bar color picker tinting issues
v1.5 - 4/27/12
Added power widget color picker - Syaoran
Added clock color picker - Syaoran
Added softkey color picker
Inverted Calendar (Black with white text)
Updated Apex Launcher to 1.1
Updated Google Apps
v1.4 - 4/25/12
Fixed long press back issues
New Eclipse Settings
Added new wallpapers - ashclepdia
Added battery/clock options - syaoran12/romanbb
Set softkey animations to 0 to speed up Navigation bar
Removed bugmailer
Optimizing pngs during compile process (not sure if this even does anything)
Updated G-Apps
v1.3 - 4/20/12
Long press back kill app - Danesh
Volume rocker wake
Long press volume to change music tracks - CM
Revamped Eclipse settings interface
Added Quiet Hours - CM
Hide IME toggle - romanbb
v1.2 - 4/17/12
Dark UI for the keyboard
Long press home/hide recents - syaoran12
Custom carrier text (enter your own)
Increased softkey animation again
Cleaned up navigation bar padding and images
Organized Eclipse settings
v1.1 - 4/12/12
Added quad lockscreen
Added menu/search key options -xoomdev
Relocated carrier text to under clock on lockscreen
Shortened animation time to allow fast transitions
Enabled 360 degree rotation
Increased the speed of soft key animations
Cleaned up ICS theme for old framework
Sped up orientation speed
Fixed facebook sync
Added Eclipse bootanimation
1.0.1 - 4/8/12
Inverted MMS
Inverted Dialer
Inverted Contacts
T9 Dialer - CM
Updated Google Apps
Revamped toggles (changed code to point to images rather than a color)
Blacked out framework
Themed the GB portion of the framework to match ICS
v1.0 - 4/5/12
Initial Release
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