-Special Instructions-
This version of Rogue comes packed with a maximum CPU frequency of 1.7GHz and user adjustable voltages for each frequency. Use these features responsibly!
Do not select "Set on boot" unless you are confident the settings you chose are stable! Always make backups!
How to use the voltage control:
The stock frequencies and voltages in a kernel are not optimal for everyone. Userspace voltage control lets you either 'undervolt' (to save power) or 'overvolt' (to try and stabilize) any given CPU frequency to meet your needs.
The easiest way to adjust these voltages is by using the app "Pimp my Cpu", available either from the Market or xda (
[APP] 24 June 2011 : Pimp My Cpu 3.0 (OC/UV kernel control tool) - xda-developers). This app will let you to set an undervolt amount for each possible frequency, as well as fill some of the basic overclocking roles of a tool like SetCPU or Droid Overclock.
Note: at this moment, the app "Voltage Control" is not compatible with Launchpad 1.2.0.
Unfortunately, Pimp my Cpu does not do overvolting, so you need to execute a shell command to set an overvolt amount.
Say for example 1600MHz isn't quite stable, and you want to give it a little help. From either adb shell or Terminal Emulator, execute the following commands:
echo "0 -25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/UV_mV_table
The second line has a series of 13 numbers, mostly zeros. They represent the number of millivolts to subtract from the default voltage of each possible frequency, starting from the higest (1700MHz) to lowest (216MHz). So in the above example, we apply a negative 25 millivolt undervolt ( which transleted to a 25 millivolt overvolt) to the second fastest CPU frequency (1600MHz). Note that the minimum voltage is 770 millivolts and the maximum voltage is 1400 millivolts. If your new voltage exceeds these limits, it will not work.
Here is an example of bumping up 1500, just so you get how its done:
echo "0 0 -25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/UV_mV_table
In Pimp my CPU, you will see the following as a result of the first command